Stop in for a cup of coffee

It came down hard here for most of the night. I’m hoping the roads to work are clear. I haven’t seen any reports of downed trees yet.
Vet for the new dog today. She checked positive for limes last visit, gave her a month of pills just a see what happened visit. Tell you what I put a claim in on the pet insurance on her first visit. paid me back 80% so basically it was free to get the insurance. Have a pup worth doing. I use the company Embrace since they gave a military discount.
It came down hard here for most of the night. I’m hoping the roads to work are clear. I haven’t seen any reports of downed trees yet.
No idea around here either the area is flooded with storm reports though on the local news.
Same weather here. Starting to see a little light outside. Guess I will check to see what it looks like outside.
Agent showed up yesterday took pictures.
Had a huge fabric sale sign. He wanted to attach it to the fence. That wouldn't last a night.
I'm going down this morning to get it up on the wall.

Good morning everyone. Slept like the dead. Could use another hour or so. I am loving the Bonneville coverage. Man I want my car done!


Very cool,rain.
Lots to get done before BBQ.
One shed still encroaching neighbours property, just going to demolish it. It needs work, inside and out. Just easier if its gone.