Stop in for a cup of coffee

Does it look like it is sprawled out floating in the air?
it just looks angry...

BTW.. i always think of Howe as cranky old man.... the dude was a beast...
Eventually I'd like to get it back to the WW-1 white versus this brilliant white

The white on the interior will be ivory to better match the future state

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Don’t think we didn’t notice the red barn in background, complimenting the interior about a mil and a half out!
Shucking corn this afternoon. Going to put a couple dozen ears in the freezer.
I don't mind the bridges.. but **** that tunnel.. only been in it once as a kid and never want to again
That there is funny , my brother was the same way hated the tunnel so when ever we went the tunnel , I would always comment about a tile that looks like it is leaking. He did not like it to say the least.:lol::lol::lol: What are older brothers for.
That there is funny , my brother was the same way hated the tunnel so when ever we went the tunnel , I would always comment about a tile that looks like it is leaking. He did not like it to say the least.:lol::lol::lol: What are older brothers for.
when i went in it, the whole tunnel was leaking :) that was prolly bout 1982
And that valiant needs a nice hand done stripe just under the upper bodyline... the whole site agrees... so get on it:)
They care called
American Bashkir Curly...

basically just a curly haired horse.. i had never seen one before
Shucking corn this afternoon. Going to put a couple dozen ears in the freezer.
I like the way they do business, ask for a dozen and get 14 in one bag and 15 in the other. I saved a few back for supper.

The heck with it, site won’t let me quote to vote on Chris interior..