Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's all I been to in the last 2 months is small shows. Hopping I can get a couple big shows in this month.
Big one not far from here, i was busy wrecking a shed so i couldnt attend. 500 cars. Theres only one i want to go to,i may even pass on that one. Not much time for shows this year. Too busy with yard stuff.
Big one not far from here, i was busy wrecking a shed so i couldnt attend. 500 cars. Theres only one i want to go to,i may even pass on that one. Not much time for shows this year. Too busy with yard stuff.
Most around here are just too far away. 100 miles one way or more.
Welcome to Wednesday!
Hi 70’s and looks like the same for 2 weeks. Not much for rain.