Stop in for a cup of coffee


Those nerve test can get a little ruff depending on the tec doing them, sometimes I think they are waking up nerves when they hit them with voltage, but doctor will not say anything except We are testing the nerves connection to a leg, arm or where ever.
My damage is threw my lower back to my left hip and leg, being drug by a station wagon and thrown out is suspect, left leg was trapped momentarily then let me go, I was heading to the strawberry field at age 10.
Hope you have a a sweet young lady hooking you up, and a Doctor that will not throw you off the table :lol: all aside keep us updated, had two or three of these done, easy peazy.
Id rather suffer through this then have another needle jabbed in my spine. Its pretty obvious they missed.
Only a couple wires to deal with, then tidy up under dash. Perhaps i should hold off until i test everything. Yes, thats what i will do. So, time to get after it. Wiring wednesday.
Id rather suffer through this then have another needle jabbed in my spine. Its pretty obvious they missed.
Have you ever seen a cyropractor? They have certainly kept me off the operating table many times in the last 50 years, I truly hope you get back in the game and doing better soon.
Good luck with your healing time TJ.
i love the 30s-40s cars... chrome and style.... i hate the thought of a straight 6 or 8 fighting to get to 50mph though :)
If you have an original unrestored or not, you can't be in a hurry. I have a few friends that are in a old car group (mostly Model A's) that get together and drive their old cars to neighboring towns for supper and have a great time. They also convoy to car shows. Just take the back roads and enjoy the scenery at 40 mph.
If you have an original unrestored or not, you can't be in a hurry. I have a few friends that are in a old car group (mostly Model A's) that get together and drive their old cars to neighboring towns for supper and have a great time. They also convoy to car shows. Just take the back roads and enjoy the scenery at 40 mph.
yeah, where i am no one does under 70 and there aren't back roads :) to the point that keeping up in my car with 4.57s and not beating it to death will be an issue :)
If you have an original unrestored or not, you can't be in a hurry. I have a few friends that are in a old car group (mostly Model A's) that get together and drive their old cars to neighboring towns for supper and have a great time. They also convoy to car shows. Just take the back roads and enjoy the scenery at 40 mph.
My 29 truck will do 35 MPH if I push it.