Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey, Quick stop. So far the forum hasn't crashed my computer today.
All that food reminds me
Last Sat got a sumemr sausage sandwich and then watched the butchering while I ate lunch.
Seemed like an efficient use of my lunchtime.

Hey, Quick stop. So far the forum hasn't crashed my computer today.
All that food reminds me
Last Sat got a sumemr sausage sandwich and then watched the butchering while I ate lunch.
Seemed like an efficient use of my lunchtime.
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Thanks Matt for the drive by! Sounds like you have been one busy guy. Do you get any relief once the school session begins anew? Great looking Sammi by the way!
Thanks Matt for the drive by! Sounds like you have been one busy guy. Do you get any relief once the school session begins anew? Great looking Sammi by the way!
Summer program done as of this past Thursday. Wrapped up 'paperwork' on Friday.
Not sure what is up for this Fall and Winter.
My plan is a day or two before September to go back up to NJ and wrap up what we did with the kids.
After that I have some ideas but they may have different plans.
Short term I plan to take it easy for a bit.
Summer program done as of this past Thursday. Wrapped up 'paperwork' on Friday.
Not sure what is up for this Fall and Winter.
My plan is a day or two before September to go back up to NJ and wrap up what we did with the kids.
After that I have some ideas but they may have different plans.
Short term I plan to take it easy for a bit.
What Parks do you work Matt?
What Parks do you work Matt?
Project is at Morristown NHP, but the program is based out of NYC - Mather High School, but the workshop we used this summer was on Governor's Island. Only there a few days at the begining - mostly to get basic tool skills and we had an ambitious plan to try out similar work stations both at Ft Jay and at Morristown.
Lets see if I can cut and paste a few photos from the end of season presentation (that was at Federal Hall).


Nice! A lot of work but worth it in the end. I went to Canada with a friend fishing and stayed in a hand made log cabin their dads built after WW2. Solid as a rock. It had gas lamps, a gas frig and a wood cook stove. And of course, an outhouse.
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Fred, This is a project to replace the hut exhibit at Morristown NHP. But I was hired to support the Mather HS which is intended to get more young people into NPS jobs.
I wear two hats. One is the tech and historical advisor for the rehabbing the hut exhibit. The other is what you see upo there - working with the kids - in this case a crew paid for by the NYC summer youth employment program. Other times it will be interns who graduated the high school, and at some point it will be doing some stuff with the classes during the school year. We'll see what happens.

That had nothing to do with the butchering demo.
That was at Goschenhoppen Historians Folk Festival.
Drove up there mostly because my buddy was having an oak log bored for a historic well pump.


That's held at the Antes House near Perkiomenville in Pennsylvania ever year. I've posted photos from it in past years.
Fred, This is a project to replace the hut exhibit at Morristown NHP. But I was hired to support the Mather HS which is intended to get more young people into NPS jobs.
I wear two hats. One is the tech and historical advisor for the rehabbing the hut exhibit. The other is what you see upo there - working with the kids - in this case a crew paid for by the NYC summer youth employment program. Other times it will be interns who graduated the high school, and at some point it will be doing some stuff with the classes during the school year. We'll see what happens.

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Good Job Matt and rewording seeing young people doing something besides being on the computer.
Tomorrow grille goes in. And i will tidy wiring under dash. Or, back it out and get the water pump job done.
Good morning everyone. More planning and reassembly on the charger last night.
Another 80 degree day.
Toyota showed up for water pump. Guess i will attack it today, as im a little frustrated with the 37.
Busy day for me today. Got a guy bringing me a 71 Chevelle that needs engine work. Also loading the Cuda up to go to the Blaster this afternoon.... :thumbsup: