Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone. Last working day before going on Holiday. It will be a nice break and should be a great trip.
Thunderboomer rolling through at the moment. Think i feel a cold coming on. Great. Could be allergies, harvest is/was in full swing. Drove through a huge dust cloud on the way home last night.
Kim and friends having a yard sale this weekend,ahead of our 2nd annual BBQ on sunday. And neighbour asked a year ago about parking cars here,for a wedding on saturday. My yard is is going to be a zoo this weekend.
Morning all, storms rolling in this afternoon. storms can be severe. Apt to pick up my sweetie’s new car at 2:00. Like a crap shoot
My wife tells me I gotta buy a mini van… :BangHead: :BangHead: :mob: :mob: That will NEVER happen.

I told her I’d buy a VW Microbus or an A100 first lol
My wife tells me I gotta buy a mini van… :BangHead: :BangHead: :mob: :mob: That will NEVER happen.

I told her I’d buy a VW Microbus or an A100 first lol
I have had several Dodge Grand Caravans. They were the only one I could load my trials bike in and I LOVED THEM.
Got this broken valve spring installed on this 71 Chevelle yesterday. Not too terrible. Obviously had to air up the cylinder to hold the valve up for installation of spring.
I have had several Dodge Grand Caravans. They were the only one I could load my trials bike in and I LOVED THEM.
I had one for a while loved it also. Actually drove it from NYC to San Francisco in Timmys two and a half days!
My wife tells me I gotta buy a mini van… :BangHead: :BangHead: :mob: :mob: That will NEVER happen.

I told her I’d buy a VW Microbus or an A100 first lol
You know resistance is futile.
May as well embrace the suck. Toyota sienna is about the best one if you look at used ones.