Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just rolling thru.

Another decent day, with not much planned. Need to make room to park buddy’s 2 vehicles as they are planning a party next weekend.
Small yard, lots of guests.
Tomorrow is intake manifold R&R on a club member’s 73 challenger. It has a high rise, and the air cleaner he wants to use touches the hood.
View attachment 1716297699Good evening gentlemen. It was a good and not so good day. We spent the day in the garage today. Didn’t get as far as we had wanted to but the trans tunnel is back in and the hole cut to accommodate the new shifter.
We got a call from my mother in law today that my husbands brother in law passed away. It wasn’t a surprise since he had been sick for awhile but I do feel bad for my sister in law and her kids.
Sorry for your loss.
Great Value Medium Dark here. I drink a cup and may be a little more every morning. As droopy as I am during the day I should have more caffeine but it seems to build up an I can't sleep at night. A 5 Hour Energy seem to work about the best if I have to stay awake.
I came. I saw. I forgot what I was doing. Retraced my steps. Couldn't remember why I was in this room. Got lost on the way back. Now, I have no idea what's going on
Since it is Labor Day I’m gonna try not to get into any actual work. Probably wash car(s). Maybe mow some grass. Mostly goof off, drink a few beers and burn steaks later… Good Morning