Stop in for a cup of coffee

Bit of a drive..
Wife has officially gotten sick of me in the house after a week. Granted the house hasn’t been this clean in years now cause I’ve been so damn bored I have deep cleaned every nook and cranny.

Anyway, she said to use my next 6 weeks to get the cars as far along as possible. So tomorrow, that starts.
Wife has officially gotten sick of me in the house after a week. Granted the house hasn’t been this clean in years now cause I’ve been so damn bored I have deep cleaned every nook and cranny.

Anyway, she said to use my next 6 weeks to get the cars as far along as possible. So tomorrow, that starts.
Well no pressure but we want to see some great progress :poke:
I snapped this the other night. I just thought the view was nice to look out of the garage and see all three lined up…Ford, Chevy and Dodge.
Came out this morning and my paint is already rock hard.. my quarters after 3 weeks are still a bit rubbery :( musta mixed em wrong. My sister will come over in the next few days to help me put them on. Gonna suck working on it with fenders back on it :)
Under dash work today.
And the challenger gets a different intake manifold.
Harvest is going strong around here, weather is cooperating. My farmer friend needs drivers, for everything. I really dont want to get into a machine. And certainly not a grain truck.
Cool crisp morning, harvest time is always tuff. Jodi used to call herself a harvest widow. She would barely see me for weeks on end. She would bring us food and drink at all hours of the day and night. She would catch us in the turns on the end of the field and toss up into the tractors one of her super biscuits still warm. If you saw her standing patiently at the end of the row you knew a biscuit was coming your way at the turn! Man they were good, bacon or sausage, egg and cheese on big ole home made biscuits!they were so thick you had to squish them to eat ‘em.
Slept good with the windows open... Doggo went DEFCON 4 at about 03:30 ... Not sure what had entered the perimeter. Took about 15 minutes to go into stand-, down

Little achy from being under the car and dash all weekend...