Stop in for a cup of coffee

No you tube tv this morning. Strange tgat you tube and Netflix works.Good thing I have internet and FABO

My Vintage Glass
She was sitting in a garage since 1984 with 8 motorcycles and we bought it all. Put a battery in her and she fired right up
So many boat stories from my youth :lol: One of the most memorable, just glanced over the side of the boat while fishing just off the beach in San Diego, I see what I think was a Blue Shark and with the weird effects water had on my optics, shark looked as long as the 19' boat :eek:.
Always had one on Long Island growing up. Friend had a great one we partied on alot in the ocean The name was MOTHER FLUKER!
We used to spend the whole day water skiing on mine all the time in the bay. Fun times. Gas 53 at the dock .35 at the station! There was a reserve called Jessup's neck out in nowhere we used to go to around dusk and just build a bon fire and partie all night and fish. Man I got some great striped bass from the beach there. Usually became dinner with clams we would dig at night also. Also no roads so no police either! Life was simple then.

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Boat story, so a couple of young enterprising lads liberate a fiber glass canoe to fish the pond. Said canoe was off limits without an adult. Adults were not home! I say they improvised adapted and overcame! As young boys typically do when fish are not biting they start wildly rocking said canoe in an effort to dump each other out into the water. Of course the canoe flips which then leads to the ultimate upside down canoe game of king of the canoe. As they slithered up and down sides from underwater stealth positions knocking opponents off the canoe. Imagine the effect of a 50s vintage fiberglass canoe bottom on unsuspecting young boys flesh. Yep, by end of the day we looked like we had been in a death match with a porcupine. Father looks at us with fiberglass splinters head to two and I am guessing he figured justice was served! Never said a word about the canoe being unceremoniously tossed back by tree!
Boat story, so a couple of young enterprising lads liberate a fiber glass canoe to fish the pond. Said canoe was off limits without an adult. Adults were not home! I say they improvised adapted and overcame! As young boys typically do when fish are not biting they start wildly rocking said canoe in an effort to dump each other out into the water. Of course the canoe flips which then leads to the ultimate upside down canoe game of king of the canoe. As they slithered up and down sides from underwater stealth positions knocking opponents off the canoe. Imagine the effect of a 50s vintage fiberglass canoe bottom on unsuspecting young boys flesh. Yep, by end of the day we looked like we had been in a death match with a porcupine. Father looks at us with fiberglass splinters head to two and I am guessing he figured justice was served! Never said a word about the canoe being unceremoniously tossed back by tree!
:lol: :lol:
Boat story, so a couple of young enterprising lads liberate a fiber glass canoe to fish the pond. Said canoe was off limits without an adult. Adults were not home! I say they improvised adapted and overcame! As young boys typically do when fish are not biting they start wildly rocking said canoe in an effort to dump each other out into the water. Of course the canoe flips which then leads to the ultimate upside down canoe game of king of the canoe. As they slithered up and down sides from underwater stealth positions knocking opponents off the canoe. Imagine the effect of a 50s vintage fiberglass canoe bottom on unsuspecting young boys flesh. Yep, by end of the day we looked like we had been in a death match with a porcupine. Father looks at us with fiberglass splinters head to two and I am guessing he figured justice was served! Never said a word about the canoe being unceremoniously tossed back by tree!
Funniest boat thing I ever saw was in NY at a launching ramp. Bunch of lets say inner city people show up with a high end pick up and boat, take around ten times to back it in, cant even describe the un loading of it. No idea how they get it running and here comes out the ski rope. Well this one guy that looked like J.J. from the tv shows is up on the bulkhead in water skies. LOL The rope is seriously slack. The guy driving the boat yells "are you ready super ski!" He replies "make it happen Captain". So the boat gets floored, slack comes out he must have pulled both arms out of the sockets as he goes flying. Cant make this crap up. About a minute later here come the cops to arrest them all for stealing the truck and car. Classic NY one right there!
Funniest boat thing I ever saw was in NY at a launching ramp. Bunch of lets say inner city hoods show up with a high end pick up and boat, take around ten times to back it in, cant even describe the un loading of it. No idea how they get it running and here comes out the ski rope. Well this one guy that looked like J.J. from the tv shows is up on the bulkhead in water skies. LOL The rope is seriously slack. The guy driving the boat yells "are you ready super ski!" He replies "make it happen Captain". So the boat gets floored, slack comes out he must have pulled both arms out of the sockets as he goes flying. Cant make this crap up. About a minute later here come the cops to arrest them all for stealing the truck and car. Classic NY one right there!
Funniest boat thing I ever saw was in NY at a launching ramp. Bunch of lets say inner city people show up with a high end pick up and boat, take around ten times to back it in, cant even describe the un loading of it. No idea how they get it running and here comes out the ski rope. Well this one guy that looked like J.J. from the tv shows is up on the bulkhead in water skies. LOL The rope is seriously slack. The guy driving the boat yells "are you ready super ski!" He replies "make it happen Captain". So the boat gets floored, slack comes out he must have pulled both arms out of the sockets as he goes flying. Cant make this crap up. About a minute later here come the cops to arrest them all for stealing the truck and car. Classic NY one right there!
:rofl: :rofl: