Stop in for a cup of coffee


Seems appropriate
We had a classified courier card that was a freaking get out of jail pass for any agency. Have to see if I can find a pic of one. One fool used it when he got pulled over for a DUI, shows it to the cops, the escort him to the main pear larbor gate, call his OIC up at 0300 or so and he said if it was not official duty it was null and void. Bet he is still in Levenworth, thats a ton of broken rules there on both sides. Cant find one basically said you must not detain this person in any way, weapons authorized and any US agency must assist if requested. Serious ID there.

DCD Credential Set

DCD Couriers are identified by Form 9 Credential Sets, consisting of:

DCD Form 9 (DCD Courier Identification Card) (Form DCD-9);

DCD Badge; and

Black leather wallet

Form DCS-9, Defense Courier Service Identification
DCS Courier Badge
I had something similar. I transported top secret and above materials to different bases in San Diego area part of my duties in navy. Basically it said don't F with this guy if in an official vehicle.
I had something similar. I transported top secret and above materials to different bases in San Diego area part of my duties in navy. Basically it said don't F with this guy if in an official vehicle.
Some of the stuff they classified was nuts. Like admirals wife secret cookie recipe. No ****. Secret classified. And other nuts stuff..
I had something similar. I transported top secret and above materials to different bases in San Diego area part of my duties in navy. Basically it said don't F with this guy if in an official vehicle.
No way I would try to get out of a duce using that... 502 used to be called a duce. Dwi