Stop in for a cup of coffee

Takes forever. They rate you?
Yeah but not correctly. So I’m filing to correct that tomorrow. Won’t make a ton of difference, just an extra 20 percent.

I think total, counting my records request that started last October, I was just over 330 days from start to finish.

I only got about half of the things I claimed connected, which is what I was expecting all along. But now that my knee is connected, they’re automatically going back and relooking at the others cause the VAs own doctors said the others were all a result of my knee problems. So who knows how long that’ll take
Morning everyone! So I have finally “won” with the VA, got most of my injuries to my knee service connected. Which is a big deal for me!
That's great news Chris, hope it makes a big difference $$$ Seems like they try to make that all pretty difficult, I really didn't have anything going on when I retired but sure have seen/heard others' nightmares
Congrats, alway good to hear this kind of news, seems like its all bad about the VA health care.

Oh, ok, I will get then :lol:
Thanks. I learned this. The VA claims process is not a medical one. That’s the misconception. Everyone thinks of it as a medical process, including me prior. It’s actually a legal one. To actually get connected, certain words and phrases have to be identical to what’s in the law. And you have to build a case similar to a criminal case to actually win. The Va is supposed to help you do such but they don’t.
Well I'd better get into work, have to pay for those two wooden spoons the wife found in the outlet mall next to the casino this weekend. I can see paying what she did for her ceramic dutch oven, I can't see $78 for two wooden spoons. Have a Great Day All!
That's great news Chris, hope it makes a big difference $$$ Seems like they try to make that all pretty difficult, I really didn't have anything going on when I retired but sure have seen/heard others' nightmares
Yeah I’ve met my goal which was getting rated high enough to cover the loss of drill pay and tricare. Barely does but I’ve got two more years before I retire so until then, it’s all gonna go into an investment. Haven’t decided which yet. Thinking about buying a small house and renting it out for extra income.
Well I'd better get into work, have to pay for those two wooden spoons the wife found in the outlet mall next to the casino this weekend. I can see paying what she did for her ceramic dutch oven, I can't see $78 for two wooden spoons. Have a Great Day All!
78 bucks!! Hell I’ll make you one out of oak for that haha
Yeah I’ve met my goal which was getting rated high enough to cover the loss of drill pay and tricare. Barely does but I’ve got two more years before I retire so until then, it’s all gonna go into an investment. Haven’t decided which yet. Thinking about buying a small house and renting it out for extra income.
Remember under 50% they pull it out of your guard retirement when you get it. Great before it though. No idea if it affects the drill pay or not. Now that your rated they give you a medical discharge? Or just put you in a different status. I know air guard made you non deployable awaiting discharge, No idea how the Army works. Maybe @ZMan67S knows
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Remember under 50% they pull it out of your guard retirement when you get it. Great before it though. No idea if it affects the drill pay or not. Now that your rated they give you a medical discharge? Or just put you in a different status. I know air guard made you non deployable awaiting discharge, No idea how the Army works. Maybe @ZMan67S knows
I’m in sanctuary. Unless I comment a felony, I stay until I retire. They won’t medically at this point.

As for drill pay, I’ll have the days I’m on drill deducted from my monthly check.