Stop in for a cup of coffee

Man it is hot here and water is at a premium on the mountain. Critters are thirsty. I am going to take a Johnson bar to a small spring seep in the rocks and see if I can open it up a bit. Then I am going to cut a path to the pond and get the tractor in the pond and shore up the banks. It is dry season here time to get R done.
Morning, crew

Similar here. Upper 70s then back to normal by Wednesday.
I baked yesterday deer hunting, typically I use sweat as a guide to indicate I am moving to fast and need to slow down. Yesterday it was right at eighty, you can bust a sweat sitting still. Only thing I heard all day was coyotes who do not help at all. And man is the ringing in your ears loud when you are in the woods listening for critters. I might as well put in some ear pods and jam!
The neighbor kid killed a nice 8 point out of my deer stand last evening. I am happy for him he is 15 years of age and his father died 3 weeks ago. I can't imagine what he is going through but he was happy with the deer.