Stop in for a cup of coffee

I got the fender braces today and mocked them up under the hood. Looks like I need to trim just a 1/4" off the corner of the passenger side one where it meets the firewall. Now I just need to decide whether to paint them silver or black...

fender braces real.jpg
Where is Benrickster? I though he might like to see this. I scored a vintage Zippo pocket knife/file in like new condition for $8. They stopped making these things about 30 years ago...

Zippo knife.jpg

Zippo knife 1.jpg
It looks like I can get them chromed for around $50-75 based on what I found on the internet. Does anyone have experience with a chrome shop or recommendations for one?
I got the fender braces today and mocked them up under the hood. Looks like I need to trim just a 1/4" off the corner of the passenger side one where it meets the firewall. Now I just need to decide whether to paint them silver or black...

View attachment 1714947041

I would go with body color on the braces...
It looks like I can get them chromed for around $50-75 based on what I found on the internet. Does anyone have experience with a chrome shop or recommendations for one?
Yeh, pick one that also paints stuff BODY COLOR. lol
it is
Must be nice to have A/C in the garage....

inside warm in the winter and cool in summer.. naa naa...:p - stood about in front of it most of the day - got lots done too - jealous.... :p :poke: :lol:
What a pansy! :poke:

yikes - just yikes man - guess it could have been worse right?

no chrome - it ain't a Harley -- I like the idea of black - but then, I usually do so...
It looks like I can get them chromed for around $50-75 based on what I found on the internet. Does anyone have experience with a chrome shop or recommendations for one?