Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yep. It's a chain. First the donor needs to die (12 year old kid on life support), family has to consent, liver has to be removed and prepped, recipient gets prepped and surgery begins. If the recipient cant accept the liver due to screening, prep, surgical issues (12 hr procedure) or rejects the liver in the first 12 hrs following completion of the surgery...then it goes to my BIL.

They can't give us updates other than to say 'standby' until something happens that puts him into 'go' status.
tough boat for sure...
which is probably a good thing for him - imagine the HELL he'd have gone through if he'd lived!! don't they cut off your hand for stealing in Turkey?
which is probably a good thing for him - imagine the HELL he'd have gone through if he'd lived!! don't they cut off your hand for stealing in Turkey?
something like that......................boss showed up
OH ****!!! US embassy in turkey just got shot up, per cnn live satellite radio!
didn't WW1 start with an ambassador assassination?
Yup .. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo on June 28th !914
Just saw this one on FB. I dig it!
