Stop in for a cup of coffee

Boy people are fired up about ICE doing its job.

Only ones pissed about it are the ones it affects...... like that cnn feel bad story where a lady who happened to be a mother was arrested and deported last week for being illegal. She'd been caught and released 5 times prior since 2008....... Her response, "Not fair since i didnt think anything would happened based on past releases" Like really?
Here's another shot of that 73

thinking we had to go up to help out my BIL tomorrow I took the day off - that plan has changed and I no long need tomorrow off... but the request is still open... guess who's sleeping in again tomorrow!!?? :D
Wow just had a bald eagle in the front yard! Never had that here before.
That is cool! Our neighbors at the farm well near the farm keep claiming they've seen one flying around our area but I've yet to see it
I have seen them by the Susquehanna river which is not to far never here before must be looking for food.
NICE! they are so much bigger then most people realize... no chance to snap a pic of it huh?
No the kid went out for coal and I grabbed the camera but Harley went right after it and chased it away happened really fast.