Stop in for a cup of coffee

I see Mitch is trying to get his clock back to American time , Good morning Mitch
Yo... What up Dog ???
Still working on body clock... Yesterday I laid down at 5pm...Sue came home at 7pm and fed me..Went up to bed at 10pm...woke up at 3am...Probably take a few more days to get back to normal...If there is Normal??
seems like 5 is my status quo on a weekday... to the point that I woke up at 4:30 - we killed the TV right around 11.. nuckin' futz I tell ya
I usually get 6+ try to do 10 till 4:30. But doesn't take much to screw that up and then I'm driving to work, coffee in hand and one eye open:steering:
The tikey truck got hit yesterday at the post office, I was backing up and a kid backed right into me in a van, the truck got a good dent and the kid messed up the van good, man he was scared, we just went our separate ways so he does not get a insurance hike he was like 17 or so. No biggie for me right in front of the d/s taillight.
The tikey truck got hit yesterday at the post office, I was backing up and a kid backed right into me in a van, the truck got a good dent and the kid messed up the van good, man he was scared, we just went our separate ways so he does not get a insurance hike he was like 17 or so. No biggie for me right in front of the d/s taillight.
will it pop out or are you just leaving it?
It should pop out when I do the patch panels above the rear wheel wells I will take care of it.
I lost a very good dear old friend yesterday to Cancer, His nick name was Hippie and was a super engine builder and engineer 62 years young. RIP my mopar brother

So sorry for your loss Memi....True friends are hard to find..
Thank you Mitch, You can say that again, being born in the 50'es it's not easy , these yuppies don't have the gray matter us old Hippies do, but yes sir they can be found :popcorn: just have to cul more out to find any :)
Man we had some big time wind around here yesterday took down most of a apple tree the woodpeckers did a number on it and was going to cut it down anyhow.