Stop in for a cup of coffee

I still can't believe more parts are available re pop for an early A wagon than a B body wagon.

I can get more weather strip seals for the valiant than I can a coronet ....some of that b body wagon stuff is extinct
Well I have an early morning coming so I am headed to bed. See you all on the page
Ugh! I think I'm coming down with the sinus crud. I had a miserable night last night blowing my nose every couple of hours and a raging sinus head ache. Felt like crap this morning and it got only slightly better over the day. It's coming back worse now.

I was hoping it was allergies (mold) from all this up-down weather and all the rain but now it feels like something more.

Before Karl jumps in, yes I tried the garlic soup, ginger tea, etc...and it's not helping...even a little.

So far all it's doing is keeping other people from becoming infected because my breath is keeping them at a safe distance...LOL!
Ugh! I think I'm coming down with the sinus crud. I had a miserable night last night blowing my nose every couple of hours and a raging sinus head ache. Felt like crap this morning and it got only slightly better over the day. It's coming back worse now.

I was hoping it was allergies (mold) from all this up-down weather and all the rain but now it feels like something more.

Before Karl jumps in, yes I tried the garlic soup, ginger tea, etc...and it's not helping...even a little.

So far all it's doing is keeping other people from becoming infected because my breath is keeping them at a safe distance...LOL!

Also try some tumerec... Add some black pepper to it as it boosts the effects...
Before Karl jumps in, yes I tried the garlic soup, ginger tea, etc...and it's not helping...even a little.
Continue to add ingredients. Cloves, cinnamon, lemon zest, anise, hot sauce, chocolate jimmies... Always stir with a rainbow swirl lollipop for best results!:D

Good Morning
Yup... Looks like I Contracted something myself...Started feeling it yesterday.. I'm sure that, coming from a month of 85 deg climate , to the cold, didn't help... Got some over the counter stuff yesterday... I'll just chill inside all day today...
Yup... Looks like I Contracted something myself...Started feeling it yesterday.. I'm sure that, coming from a month of 85 deg climate , to the cold, didn't help... Got some over the counter stuff yesterday... I'll just chill inside all day today...
If you caught it in VN, you may need to go back to be cured. :thumbsup:
Ha... I'm actually in the planning stages of a return trip...I'm thinkin first three weeks of Nov.. Found out my Visa is good till Jan 18..:thumbsup:
Ha... I'm actually in the planning stages of a return trip...I'm thinkin first three weeks of Nov.. Found out my Visa is good till Jan 18..:thumbsup:
I thought it had to be valid well beyond your planned travel in case you have a problem getting back so it does not run out.
I thought it had to be valid well beyond your planned travel in case you have a problem getting back so it does not run out.
They actually have a system in place in VN, and other Asian countries, where you can get your Visa redone, in country if needed. Normal Visas to VN are typically 3 mos.. The Travel Agency, that my buddy Alex used, picked one year Visa for me... Probably , so they could charge me more... No matter.... Just gives me an excuse to go back sooner, rather than later...
Yup... Looks like I Contracted something myself...Started feeling it yesterday.. I'm sure that, coming from a month of 85 deg climate , to the cold, didn't help... Got some over the counter stuff yesterday... I'll just chill inside all day today...

The bird flew is going around I just herd on the news, not sure what country ( I missed it ) seems like it was japan .. Keep a close eye on yourself Mitch
Yeah Mitch...don't be bringing something home that all the men do not have an Immune system to battle. As you fly your bird to exotic places