Stop in for a cup of coffee

More cool news, my high school finally found their first state wrestling champ in their history, 45 years to the day that his grandfather placed 2nd in a 2-1 match in the state finals. Kid this evening won it in a last second move with 3 seconds left!!!! While being injured. Pretty cool as they are an awesome family and the coach has been awesome
More cool news, my high school finally found their first state wrestling champ in their history, 45 years to the day that his grandfather placed 2nd in a 2-1 match in the state finals. Kid this evening won it in a last second move with 3 seconds left!!!! While being injured. Pretty cool as they are an awesome family and the coach has been awesome
Very Kool. I Wrestled also.. Mid Weight
Very Kool. I Wrestled also.. Mid Weight
Nice. I wrestled 160 - 275.... in the same season, I bounced around the upper weights because we didn't have a complete team. It was kind of funny weighing 158 lbs and beating guys(occasionally) that weighed 120 lbs more than me
I'll watch what I say now, clearly you guys could toss me out on my *** at any given time.:lol:
Nice. I wrestled 160 - 275.... in the same season, I bounced around the upper weights because we didn't have a complete team. It was kind of funny weighing 158 lbs and beating guys(occasionally) that weighed 120 lbs more than me
Quickness my friend, Quickness !!
So why do it in the first place? My sister does the same chit and thinks that the speed at which she provides additional information mitigates having done it.

It doesn't.
because I knew it'd annoy you :lol::poke:

I'll watch what I say now, clearly you guys could toss me out on my *** at any given time.:lol:

Quickness my friend, Quickness !!

Or luck

Nope, not this guy. Im told old and it hurts to try to get into those positions now.

Me too :lol:
So why do it in the first place? My sister does the same chit and thinks that the speed at which she provides additional information mitigates having done it.

It doesn't.
And actually I gave the answer out before I asked the question :p
I'll watch what I say now, clearly you guys could toss me out on my *** at any given time.:lol:
It is somewhat funny when you get into a physical altercation as a young guy, if you know Wrestling. Surprises a lot of bigger guys. I always felt like I needed to take my opponent to the ground. :thumbsup:
I don't know, I got my butt kicked more than I won. I think my senior record was like 11-45, I only wrestled my junior and senior year. Wrestling really is a sport you need a ton of muscle memory so the younger you start, the better
Anyone know where I can get the old style gas can caps and spouts?
And here you go...

Chris ADD.jpg
LMAO, I sure hope you never get your computer confiscated by the police. They are going to look at all your pictures, then your bound to be put behind bars. :rofl:
More like in a straight jacket!

It's ok, I could use a few years rest of sitting in the corner playing with my toes while drooling.