Stop in for a cup of coffee

I think we are doing ok. We went for a 4 wheeler ride yesterday and the streams were all pretty high still
whoa it is slow in here.
Maybe some food will wake things up!
i'm back. man that fog this morning made the drive very tough. literally 5-10 feet of visibility in front of the jeep
the weather is just about perfect - 40-50 during the day (melting off that dang snow) and below freezing at night - slows it all down so the ground doesn't get too saturated
Talked to chicken shack down the road, asked him how much to cater dinner for the lift day really reasonable, he will just bring his cooker down and drink with us and prob 10 ea and it is the best bbq chicken around here, hmmm hmmm good, might have to ask for donations this time around.
Doing bondo on the plenum, ron is polishing his bolts!
i need tips on the fiberglass, i'm thinking of a custom air box for my dart, one that seals tight to the hood and takes the air from the big hemi scoop and forces it directly to the carb
Good Morning
Holiday for me. But, will be heading out shortly to do a ew hours work. Side project I started in Dec for somebody. Removed wallpaper. Did some patching. Finally getting around to painting.
Finished my oil and antifreeze changes and washed the cars yesterday. Even did the Duster. Then decided to paint the vinyl top. When I got it from Legendary, there were rub marks in three spots where the folds contacted the box, not very noticeable tlil it was glued down. :BangHead: I got SEM a couple weeks ago to do the armrests. Color was a bit light for them, but perfect for the top. Started taping off outside, but too breezy. Got it in the garage and finished tape up. Had enough paint for 1 coat, but I guess I did not clear the valve after I used it. Did not spray a nice even coat. Gonna leave it right where it is all taped up and get another can tomorrow. We are expecting temp around 70 later in the week. So will recoat it then.
Talked to chicken shack down the road, asked him how much to cater dinner for the lift day really reasonable, he will just bring his cooker down and drink with us and prob 10 ea and it is the best bbq chicken around here, hmmm hmmm good, might have to ask for donations this time around.
10 each is reasonable, hell it's a good deal, have you eaten a solo lunch at KFC lately, its like 9-10 bucks for really crappy chicken
Talked to chicken shack down the road, asked him how much to cater dinner for the lift day really reasonable, he will just bring his cooker down and drink with us and prob 10 ea and it is the best bbq chicken around here, hmmm hmmm good, might have to ask for donations this time around.
N.P. No Problem :lol:
I hate that stuff
yeah, especially considering I have some very dangerous intersections to negoitate. the one where 3 highways merge onto one bridge, literally all at the same time with no traffic controls is a disaster waiting to happen.