Stop in for a cup of coffee

Evening folks. Interesting day today. A young lad was on the truck and one of the other techs told him that I was into Mopars. This guy said his Dad has a 67 Notchback, 273, auto, Buckets, console, white, with a red interior. Well, I said I was interested. They also have a early Baracuda and a bunch of new parts (for the notchback I presume). He is not interested in the car but would rather build a Dodge Pilothouse pick up. He is going to talk to his Dad and see what is going on. Geeeeeeeeez. I have no room but depending on the deal it could be fun. White with red gut Notchback? I like it already!
Awesome! I got wood just thinking about it.. buy it!
Evening folks. Interesting day today. A young lad was on the truck and one of the other techs told him that I was into Mopars. This guy said his Dad has a 67 Notchback, 273, auto, Buckets, console, white, with a red interior. Well, I said I was interested. They also have a early Baracuda and a bunch of new parts (for the notchback I presume). He is not interested in the car but would rather build a Dodge Pilothouse pick up. He is going to talk to his Dad and see what is going on. Geeeeeeeeez. I have no room but depending on the deal it could be fun. White with red gut Notchback? I like it already!
sometimes you just gotta go where the wind blows ya..
The only 'dumb' choice is not making one. Staying where you are at isn't an alternative.
Yeah but I can't afford to loose money either, gonna depend a lot of what they offer salary wise. The range they gave me today goes from just barely covering the increase cost of gas to actually making a couple hundred more a week
I was trying to decide between beer and whiskey.. i wanted both... decisions, decisions...
I need to make a trip to Texas to have one with you. I had a nip or two of Revel Stoke and (DUH) I tossed a pint of Schnapps in the trash when I was cleaning up this morning. I retrieved it and it is good inside the bottle. LOL
I need to make a trip to Texas to have one with you. I had a nip or two of Revel Stoke and (DUH) I tossed a pint of Schnapps in the trash when I was cleaning up this morning. I retrieved it and it is good inside the bottle. LOL
whew - really close to alcohol abuse!!
I need to make a trip to Texas to have one with you. I had a nip or two of Revel Stoke and (DUH) I tossed a pint of Schnapps in the trash when I was cleaning up this morning. I retrieved it and it is good inside the bottle. LOL
May have to swing through Iowa on my way to Hoppy's this summer...
Yeah but I can't afford to loose money either, gonna depend a lot of what they offer salary wise. The range they gave me today goes from just barely covering the increase cost of gas to actually making a couple hundred more a week
So not losing money. First box checked...
That's at current prices though...
Will you listen to yourself? It's like I'm shoe shopping with my wife, her heel is broken on one shoe and we need to walk somewhere right now...but she's undecided on buying another pair since they might not be 'perfect'.

It's no worse than break even today and possibly better. Analysis over.
Will you listen to yourself? It's like I'm shoe shopping with my wife, her heel is broken on one shoe and we need to walk somewhere right now...but she's undecided on buying another pair since they might not be 'perfect'.

It's no worse than break even today and possibly better. Analysis over.
Gotta get the offer first lol. There's a least 2 more interviews including one with the company CEO.....
Chris, you keep talking about the commute and the money but you aren't talking about the most critical part of the job...the actual work that you will be doing 8 hours a day.

That's the part that makes the difference between taking a job or not. The other bits are just check box items of minimum requirements. 50% more money or a short commute will never make up for a lack satisfaction with the actual work or experience gains.
Chris, you keep talking about the commute and the money but you aren't talking about the most critical part of the job...the actual work that you will be doing 8 hours a day.

That's the part that makes the difference between taking a job or not. The other bits are just check box items of minimum requirements. 50% more money or a short commute will never make up for a lack satisfaction with the actual work or experience gains.
It'd actually be somewhat different, I'd be essentially designing the floor plans for factory conveyor and automation systems
Chris, you keep talking about the commute and the money but you aren't talking about the most critical part of the job...the actual work that you will be doing 8 hours a day.

That's the part that makes the difference between taking a job or not. The other bits are just check box items of minimum requirements. 50% more money or a short commute will never make up for a lack satisfaction with the actual work or experience gains.
You're both overlooking the important stuff.. are there any hot chicks? Does the boss like to use the company card at the strip bar? Is there random drug testing? Think quality of life!
You're both overlooking the important stuff.. are there any hot chicks? Does the boss like to use the company card at the strip bar? Is there random drug testing? Think quality of life!
Not that I saw, yes to the drug testing and I don't know about the strip club but being its in a college town, I'd say that's a high likelihood
Chris, you keep talking about the commute and the money but you aren't talking about the most critical part of the job...the actual work that you will be doing 8 hours a day.

That's the part that makes the difference between taking a job or not. The other bits are just check box items of minimum requirements. 50% more money or a short commute will never make up for a lack satisfaction with the actual work or experience gains.
The other factors to me is there is a chance to move into customer sales/ relations. The gentleman said that's where one guy is retiring this summer. They get paid a decent base but get 10 percent of their annual sales, the lowest one on the team made 1.5 million in total sales, that's 150,000 dollar bonus check....