Stop in for a cup of coffee

Really? I can see making sure seat belts worked but other than that, wtf over
That was to qualify as antique. Both state and insurance have appearance requirements, For now I have regular registration and insurance. So, I am getting safety inspection and none of the appearance stuff matters. I just dropped it off. First time over 15mph, (thats about best I could do in my yard) lol. Ran kinda crappy in the maybe 1/2 mile getting there and don't think it is shifting right. I think I got it up to 35mph. Hopefully pass the inspection, so I can legally drive it on the road to work the bugs out. I am on a state road just outside of town, between state and regionals there's always a patrol around. Even if I could get away with it, I needed it aligned first.
How'd the interview go?
Just walked out actually, lasted a little over an hr, I think it went pretty well and they actually think can possibly use me to fill two position needs they have.
Just walked out actually, lasted a little over an hr, I think it went pretty well and they actually think can possibly use me to fill two position needs they have.
2 positions? Guess what? Over worked, underpaid ,and haven't started yet.:lol:
Good here. Had a bit of wind and heavy rain briefly this afternoon. Nothing even close to what was forcast
Same here. I don't mind that it wasn't as bad as they were expecting. I had my fill of nasty weather last weekend.
Good here. Had a bit of wind and heavy rain briefly this afternoon. Nothing even close to what was forcast
Good, they're showing some ugly shots on the news. Was wondering how you guys west of me made out.
That was to qualify as antique. Both state and insurance have appearance requirements, For now I have regular registration and insurance. So, I am getting safety inspection and none of the appearance stuff matters. I just dropped it off. First time over 15mph, (thats about best I could do in my yard) lol. Ran kinda crappy in the maybe 1/2 mile getting there and don't think it is shifting right. I think I got it up to 35mph. Hopefully pass the inspection, so I can legally drive it on the road to work the bugs out. I am on a state road just outside of town, between state and regionals there's always a patrol around. Even if I could get away with it, I needed it aligned first.
so just safety inspection - e-brake, lights, directionals, horn, wipers and washer...?
Exactly what I'm nervous about
Nervous? Meh.

It's not a hard choice to make, it's not like you're getting married to the place.

It's about building your experience and skill set as much as the pay. You already know your current job is a dead-end, so what do you have to lose even if it's for the same pay as long as it's new experience and possible future advancement?

Besides, like deciding which fancy restaurant to eat's easier to decide when you keep in mind that it's not your last meal.