Stop in for a cup of coffee


Yep, much easier with the tractor, honestly that's the first I've not been able to rock it out in this jeep. Probably gone thru that exact spot 500 times kind of surprised to get stuck there
Yeah, you found just the right soft spot and sunk too far to get it out without mudder tires.
there are so many little things that can trip you up... bad ground, 1 bad plug or wire, bad fuel, choke not set right, bad/clogged fuel filter....
How old is the fuel? Don't waste time trying to adjust a carb with old stale fuel.
Should be fine ,. Kept it low and used stabil since I changed the tank a couple years ago. Most of what's in there now is not more than a few months old. Certainly very burnable. I figured I would be retuning through the first couple tanks anyway.
Should be fine ,. Kept it low and used stabil since I changed the tank a couple years ago. Most of what's in there now is not more than a few months old. Certainly very burnable. I figured I would be retuning through the first couple tanks anyway.
any other issues? ..dim lights? ..squealing belts?
any other issues? ..dim lights? ..squealing belts?
No, I really think this is more trans than engine. I need to get it out again and really see what its doing. Didn't want to go far with it today and too much traffic on my road this afternoon to be f'n around with it.