Stop in for a cup of coffee


Hey hoppy..... guess i was wrong.

You wrong. Oh Lord say it isn't so.
What's the world comming to. All hope is lost.
There I fixed it. :thumbsup:
No kidding. Not to turn this political too much but I'm just gonna say that our founding fathers are spinning in their graves and have to be mad as hell that we let the government taxes us so high. They went to war over 3 percent tax. Some of us are paying 50% or more not counting sales taxes, gas taxes, building permits, land taxes etc
No kidding. Not to turn this political too much but I'm just gonna say that our founding fathers are spinning in their graves and have tinge mad as hell that we let the government taxes us so high. They went to war over 3 percent tax. Some of us are paying 50% or more not counting sales taxes, gas taxes, building permits, land taxes etc
Yep, half of our money goes to taxes.
I have to get my dog back from the Vet. She had her right knee replaced! No kidding they do that for dogs! She had her left done last year. Poor thing!
Any who. What's on the agenda tonight folks.
I bought a new WiFi iPad so I can do internet stuff when I'm in the garage, on the couch, out on the (soon to be) deck etc. It was delivered today so I need to open it up and charge it so I can start using it.
I bought a new WiFi iPad so I can do internet stuff when I'm in the garage, on the couch, out on the (soon to be) deck etc. It was delivered today so I need to open it up and charge it so I can start using it.
I have one I hardly use.....
I have to get my dog back from the Vet. She had her right knee replaced! No kidding they do that for dogs! She had her left done last year. Poor thing!
Bet that was expensive. I have spent a ton of money over the years on our pets. Bowl obstructions in a ca't are pricey. Not excluding my last friend who popped all her stitches after surgery and all her insides came tumbling out. She was a great dog lived another dozen years.
My wife let my 3 yr old play with her new iPhone...... guess what ended up in the bottom of the kiddie pool
I thought about getting one for a long time because I didn't want it to sit around hardly used....and besides, I'm not a gadget-happy kind of guy. Hell, we only have two TVs and they are both 20 year-old 27" Sony CRT models.

I finally got tired of trying to do internet stuff on my iPhone and decided I want a bigger screen to work on and not be tethered to the computer all the time to do it.
I thought about getting one for a long time because I didn't want it to sit around hardly used....and besides, I'm not a gadget-happy kind of guy. Hell, we only have two TVs and they are both 20 year-old 27" Sony CRT models.

I finally got tired of trying to do internet stuff on my iPhone and decided I want a bigger screen to work on and not be tethered to the computer all the time to do it.

Hope it works out. iPad is all I use on here. Not always user friendly Then again mines about five or six years old.