Stop in for a cup of coffee

In transit. About an hour to Hoppyland.

2017-06-02 18.43.53.jpg
Jeez, I bought 5 new trees for the property for my Wife for Mother's day and they gave me 3 week window for delivery and planting. They were supposed to call the day before to schedule the delivery...but apparently their definition of "the day before" is 9 pm Friday night when they expect to be here at 8 am Saturday morning.

We just got finished putting the markers on the spots where they go because with the lawn service coming to cut the grass in 3 day windows each week, we couldn't do it until they called and said the tree delivery was scheduled.

My neighbors must think we are nuts being outside at 10 pm with flashlights pacing off lines to mark the spots with the flags.
Jeez, I bought 5 new trees for the property for my Wife for Mother's day and they gave me 3 week window for delivery and planting. They were supposed to call the day before to schedule the delivery...but apparently their definition of "the day before" is 9 pm Friday night when they expect to be here at 8 am Saturday morning.

We just got finished putting the markers on the spots where they go because with the lawn service coming to cut the grass in 3 day windows each week, we couldn't do it until they called and said the tree delivery was scheduled.

My neighbors must think we are nuts being outside at 10 pm with flashlights pacing off lines to mark the spots with the flags.

So what kind of nut tress are you planting. Walnut, Black Cherry?
You know it's morning right?:poke:
Good Morning
lmao. I went to put the hood on the vette yesterday afternoon anr remembered what an ill fitting aftermarket hood it was. About a 1/4 inch bowed down in the center across the front panel and bowed up along the left fender. So basically had to run around the perimeter with filler and make my own gaps. lol
Just the guy I was looking for... What can I use for a cleanup wash just before paint Like Dawn or something, just to get off any dirt we picked up in transport?
lmao. I went to put the hood on the vette yesterday afternoon anr remembered what an ill fitting aftermarket hood it was. About a 1/4 inch bowed down in the center across the front panel and bowed up along the left fender. So basically had to run around the perimeter with filler and make my own gaps. lol
lmao. I went to put the hood on the vette yesterday afternoon anr remembered what an ill fitting aftermarket hood it was. About a 1/4 inch bowed down in the center across the front panel and bowed up along the left fender. So basically had to run around the perimeter with filler and make my own gaps. lol
So, is it paint day there too? Or does the hood work set you back? This should be the most perfect day so far this year here. 70's and low humidity (well, low for this area anyway)
Started yesterday morning with plug,wire, cap, rotor, valve cover gaskets, adjust valves, oh, and an oil change. Bro in law got here about 5:30 to help me get the hood on and back into bodywork. I stayed with it until I got it primed so I can get it sanded and washed today, clean the shop, and get it in and masked. Get some rest and paint tomorrow. With 3 coats of base. 4 coats of pearl probably 3 clear it's a really long paint job. take all day to get it done.
Got the Duster to Hoppyland last night. Long trip with a couple delays for accidents. Ray was workin hard at garage cleanup yesterday. I'm gonna go over it again this morning.
Started yesterday morning with plug,wire, cap, rotor, valve cover gaskets, adjust valves, oh, and an oil change. Bro in law got here about 5:30 to help me get the hood on and back into bodywork. I stayed with it until I got it primed so I can get it sanded and washed today, clean the shop, and get it in and masked. Get some rest and paint tomorrow. With 3 coats of base. 4 coats of pearl probably 3 clear it's a really long paint job. take all day to get it done.
Wow, I figure once I start shooting mine will take an hour or so. LOL Single stage, figuring 3 coats. They say 5-10 min between coats...
What do you wash with? Do you wipe with anything after that other than tac rag? ( like I see people use wax and grease remover, alchohol(some say straight, others cut it 50/50 with water)
Just the guy I was looking for... What can I use for a cleanup wash just before paint Like Dawn or something, just to get off any dirt we picked up in transport?
After I get all done touching I open every thing up give it a good ********. Open the doors and blow down the bottom of the fenders get the leaves and crap out and around belt moldings and such. Then wash it down with dawn and let it drip dry for a while. Then from that point on keep hands off the body, and be wary of stuff on your hands Ie: you and Hoppy playing with lotion, lip balm, earwax, etc. Then go around it again with a blower, mask it up, a final de-wax/wipedown. Tack and paint. I usually take the tack rag and unfold and ball them up.