Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well Keefers car looks good dam fender had a weird reaction? to something, fifth time was the charm!
Drivers fender was a nightmare, but all's well that ends well...
Didn't think it was getting there for a while. Lol. a FEW issues, but we worked through them. Hoppy said how it's cool that we keep doing stuff for each other and no money changes hands. Well if there is an invisible IOU between us, I am currently the one who owes. LOL.
Turning the Hoppy shop into a paint booth was no easy task. Ray did a first round of cleaning before I even got the car there. Then we moved everything around a couple more times through the cleaning and reorganizing. Swept it out. I brought my leaf blower up and when through it a few times. We hung plastic around the spray area. Ray was on it with the mixing station..:thankyou: @PosiRon and his merry men showed up to drink beer and get in the w...I mean check out the progress. LOL :poke:(thanks for getting pics Ron!)
Glad it was not blue paint I would have been confused and be dead by now.

Drivers fender was a nightmare, but all's well that ends well...
Didn't think it was getting there for a while. Lol. a FEW issues, but we worked through them. Hoppy said how it's cool that we keep doing stuff for each other and no money changes hands. Well if there is an invisible IOU between us, I am currently the one who owes. LOL.
Turning the Hoppy shop into a paint booth was no easy task. Ray did a first round of cleaning before I even got the car there. Then we moved everything around a couple more times through the cleaning and reorganizing. Swept it out. I brought my leaf blower up and when through it a few times. We hung plastic around the spray area. Ray was on it with the mixing station..:thankyou: @PosiRon and his merry men showed up to drink beer and get in the w...I mean check out the progress. LOL :poke:(thanks for getting pics Ron!)
And still no pics of it today?? :poke:
I really like that color do a few shades lighte and it would look fantastic on the POP with the black top on mine, really pops when the sun hits it.
Ray check out L-6 Aztec Gold Poly and T-5 Sienna Poly. Those are '75 colors. I'm sure there are others close for 74 or other years. Heres two pics I'm getting ready to put in my build thread that show how different it looks with lighting changes

2017-06-04 20.44.22.jpg

2017-06-04 20.42.43.jpg
Should of got a pic of the shop mascot Freddy for scale! Wonder if he is toxic now?????
Damn that looks good!. Been a long time since I had some crabs.

They were good...we had 5 dozen, more than what you see on the table. My boss is in the photo, he knew how to order them, in two batches so they wouldn't get cold before we could eat them.
I popped the rotors off to do a little painting and what did i see? Chinese bearings and very little grease. Looks to me like another lesson learned. Does the USA make anything anymore. or is it all out sourced?:mad: Now I have to question the whole kit's quality....


