Stop in for a cup of coffee

whew - I don't know - there really is quite a bit of tension on those rods..
You bet. I heated up the existing ones to get tension back in, were real nice at first, but now just as bad as they were. So.......
You bet. I heated up the existing ones to get tension back in, were real nice at first, but now just as bad as they were. So.......
well - best case will be finding them used and good to go... if not, i really would try to find a good welding shop and run it by them
I have the set I got from Whitepunk, he gave them to me when they were the wrong ones, so it would just be labor to do what ever Im going to do. Will still have old ones.
If I could do the cut and bend deal and it works, I bet I can sell them like hotcakes on Ebay!
No one has them and everyone with 'Verts have the same issue. ALL of them are the same age........
If I decided to really try to make some money , I could sand blast and repaint and sell them to yearone! IF the idea works.
humm.. I would call it an opportunity to make some $$ - manufacture and sell - but I doubt there is enough call for them to justify the initial investment.
Not many 'Verts out there. (convertible) longer to type!!
Make what 20 sets? Sell them to Yearone or a place like that. they could stock them for ever and resale at a huge markup.
yea - but how much would it cost to make the first set - I'm thinking it would be harder than you think..
O im not thinking it will be easy, that's why I have not done it yet!! will need to make a jig to get bend right.