Stop in for a cup of coffee

With any luck you will be finished tomorrow.
Wife is packing to spend a few weeks in Alaska with our daughter and the grands.
Peace and quiet for me.
Never get me in a plane again not after last year.
Back in 2010 I did 104 flights in a period of 52 weeks for work. I learned a lot about doing air travel on a regular basis. I did another 78 flights over the next 4 years. Thankfully, those days are behind me and I haven't had to get on a plane since June 2015.
Interestingly enough, the last flight I took for work was back from Las Vegas for a product launch and we flew directly over the Grand Canyon. Very impressive to see from that altitude...

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Grand Canyon small.jpg
How are you all doin' this evening
good now. Relaxin with a cold beer. Was out in the garage wrecking parts. Have 2 passenger side door upper plastics. Both have cracks. Got the original one repaired near perfect only to find it was warped. Tried to heat and straighten it and killed it. Will try to repair the other one (which is straight)tomorrow...
That whole Vegas trip was about as surreal as it gets. Besides being an end of my work air travel days and flying over the Grand Canyon, the reason I was there was to give a Tech Talk to an audience of over 400 people. I followed a popular group called "Recycled Percussion" doing their Vegas headline act...

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Evening gents and ladies. Just kicking back after working on my Barracuda, getting ready for a show in Pueblo CO. They say a cool down for the weekend.
That whole Vegas trip was about as surreal as it gets. Besides being an end of my work air travel days and flying over the Grand Canyon, the reason I was there was to give a Tech Talk to an audience of over 400 people. I followed a popular group called "Recycled Percussion" doing their Vegas headline act...

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So you did a song and dance routine?
So you did a song and dance routine?
All talking, no dance. I did make dry-ice steam plumes come out of the risers 50' high all around me at one point though. I said "The drug particles we make are quite literally the size of smoke"...and then I pushed the button on my remote and whoosh!

The audience went nuts, cheering and applauding. It was a lot of fun!
I didn't do it this time .I hope.what's wrong.

Rant: Is it me or are there a over abundance of extreme beginners here? Guys that don't have a clue? I was there once back when I was 12 maybe. (rant over)