Stop in for a cup of coffee

Rant: Is it me or are there a over abundance of extreme beginners here? Guys that don't have a clue? I was there once back when I was 12 maybe. (rant over)

Well I'm not the most mature guy to answer that I guess. But having been a mod on a way bigger forum then this. Yes I understand your pain.

You opened this club if you can't hide out here who can.
Rant: Is it me or are there a over abundance of extreme beginners here? Guys that don't have a clue? I was there once back when I was 12 maybe. (rant over)
Not "here" here but out there "here"...yes. People who don't think (or care to) are in over supply these days...everywhere.

You can hide behind me...I cast a pretty big shadow!
Hey all, got my new wheels today!! Will be a few days till I get them mounted with tires. Still working on my closet.
Im freakin beat! Been working all day on the closet project, in the 90 degree heat. 12 hours on it today. Too tired to take any pictures Sorry....:(:(
Ok, you get a 24 hr reprieve...but we need pics tomorrow! :)
Wow, I was just going through my files and came across this concept for my '06 SRT that I did a few years ago. I thought it could be kinda cool as a custom build...

Daytona SRT Front Quarter 18.jpg
Whoever closed the coffee shop didn't clean up last night.... Cups all over and tables need to be wiped down.... :mob: