Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yep, code varies. Here is the basic code for decks here...

Aston deck code.jpg
Christ - we didn't get that detailed a report after the anniversary dinner...

Anniversary dinner for me was some sort of fancied up alfredo with chicken and pork called a name I can't pronounce let alone spell. It was alright but way overpriced.
Anniversary dinner for me was some sort of fancied up alfredo with chicken and pork called a name I can't pronounce let alone spell. It was alright but way overpriced.
yea - it's more about the lady anyway - take 'em out and treat 'em right - - - - for putting up with "us" for another year :lol:
yea - it's more about the lady anyway - take 'em out and treat 'em right - - - - for putting up with "us" for another year :lol:
I always looked at it the other way around. She needs to treat me right for putting up with her for another year. :D
Thanks guys! The scale in the photo is deceiving. The deck is 18' wide and 12' deep. The railing height is a standard 36". The opening to the walk-up basement is 8' wide.

No requirement for a gate across the walk-up since it has white side rails extending to the end, a hand rail going down and a light at the bottom over the slider...

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The secret lab for the mad scientist:poke: The dungeon to which he drags the victims lol
Mike In all honesty your not worth the effort. And since I know how important having the last word means to you have at it.