Stop in for a cup of coffee

But you gotta commit to one guy at a time you cant expect people to drive across courty hoping who shows up first.
yeah i guess i will take back the offer. because he has been doing this a few years now.

I'm just gonna say Portland, OR has a high percentage of nut-job people, the seller is from there, QED.
would be even funnier to dress a 340 as a 273 haha

Been there, done that...

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1968fomulas340 is selling his car again. I happen to log on last night and post first.
i said i would give him full price and i'm getting the run around again. he says he has a higher offer??
i dont get it? any help?

Are you the one he flaked out on last time??? I remember that and posted "here we go again" earlier in this thread when I saw it for sale again...

Good luck, I think he's just looking for some self-validation....

All you can do is keep on him and posting that you are ready to close the deal and watch him squirm....
Same guy same car.
I don't get it? why list a car if you are just going to jerk people around. that is why i stated i will take it at list price.
he aint selling

Are you the one he flaked out on last time??? I remember that and posted "here we go again" earlier in this thread when I saw it for sale again...

Good luck, I think he's just looking for some self-validation....

All you can do is keep on him and posting that you are ready to close the deal and watch him squirm....
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Yeah, but the price is right 340 4 speed had one when i wast 17 like that always loved that car.
I just looked at the sale thread. Maybe someone gave him a runaround before. Maybe he's playing games. Either way, don't let him make it your problem. You offered asking price. If he gave you the got a higher offer response, I would counter with original offer of 16 stands for 'x' days if his sale falls through and once agreement made how many days he will give you to get it? I agree that first with cash in hand is not acceptable. No way I would pay till I saw it. On the other hand you can t ask him to hold it and then go there and lowball unless it is not 'as described'
Same guy same car.
I don't get it? why list a car if you are just going to jerk people around. that is why istated i will take it at list price.
he aint selling
then honestly, the mods need to ban his *** from the forum. Which is why i tagged Mike a couple times, they need to discuss banning him with Joey or something. To me, this is right up there with selling parts and never shipping.
Same guy same car.
I don't get it? why list a car if you are just going to jerk people around. that is why istated i will take it at list price.
he aint selling

Exactly, it's not right i new it was to good to be true. there are other cars out there.
maye if i wait another few years he will lower it to $10,000 LOL

You know, this is really bugging me, screw it, lets just go straight to the top....... @Joeychgo what do you think boss?
about what?

I think he's talking about this for sale ad:

[FOR SALE] - 1968 Formula S, 340, 4 Speed

this is at least the third time in a few years that he's listed it, had buyers willing to pay his asking price, then he flakes out when someone is willing to pay and pick up... He stops answering when they were trying to arrange for a shipper to pick-up last time...

Maybe watch the thread closely and see if he starts playing games again...

He may just be out for self validation and not intending to sell....

He has it for sale now and full inbox so people can't contact him to make a deal... So people post their contact info in the thread for him and the mods delete it...
this is at least the third time in a few years that he's listed it, had buyers willing to pay his asking price, then he flakes out when someone is willing to pay and pick up... He stops answering when they were trying to arrange for a shipper to pick-up last time...

The last time he listed it was 2 years ago. What would you have me do? I mean, really guys. Its not like I can force him to sell the car, and I don't know why he didn't sell. Maybe he changed his mind, who knows. Not a lot I can really do.
The last time he listed it was 2 years ago. What would you have me do? I mean, really guys. Its not like I can force him to sell the car, and I don't know why he didn't sell. Maybe he changed his mind, who knows. Not a lot I can really do.

If he keeps flaking out on potential buyers, can you pull his ad???

If he's not serious about selling it and posts it, then it shouldn't be posted...

Comments are not allowed in for sale ads... But a false ad is basically a "comment thread" and then comments should be allowed in that thread to warn potential people what they are walking into, or pull the ad all together and save everyone the hassle...

If he's got interested buyers trying to coordinate shipping through a shipping company and then drops out, that is not fair to the people interested in buying the car... It's a waste of people's time... Is that fair to do to forum members???
The last time he listed it was 2 years ago. What would you have me do? I mean, really guys. Its not like I can force him to sell the car, and I don't know why he didn't sell. Maybe he changed his mind, who knows. Not a lot I can really do.
see the quote below. other than that, I have no idea. Just infuriates me even though im not involved with the deal/him.
If he keeps flaking out on potential buyers, can you pull his ad???

If he's not serious about selling it and posts it, then it shouldn't be posted...

Comments are not allowed in for sale ads... But a false ad is basically a "comment thread" and then comments should be allowed in that thread to warn potential people what they are walking into, or pull the ad all together and save everyone the hassle...

If he's got interested buyers trying to coordinate shipping through a shipping company and then drops out, that is not fair to the people interested in buying the car... It's a waste of people's time... Is that fair to do to forum members???
It's really one word against another at this point. A mod was on the thread and addressed the communication issue. Gotta let it roll, time will tell. Not like he took anyones money and dont know that anyone went there to try to buy it. He has the right to sell or not. I offered asking price on a house once and was turned down. Turned out 'kids'were trying to get mom to sell and she wouldn't. Took me a few weeks to get my deposit back while the realtor figured out the problem.