Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah, Our budget in Illinois is so bad, they just suspended the lotto last night because they don't have the money to pay any big winners...

Legislature is sitting on their *** playing politics on balancing the budget...

we're going to be the first state to get junk bond status....

They haven't passed a budget in 3 years now.... we need to fire all the politicians and get new ones...

One legislature was on the news last night criticizing them for having to cancel the lottery - he says lotto generates $700 - $800 million a year and the politicians are going to screw that up....

Pretty soon our state will run on I-O-U's....
i seen that. I know Indiana is working on an emergency measure, there is many who think that Illinois may default on their welfare and pension payments in the coming weeks/months and thus result in a massive migration from Illinois to neighboring states. Illinois is toast unless they cut some MAJOR programs deeply. I was looking at the math yesterday, bankruptcy is probably their only option at this point, they're far too deep in the hole to pull out in my life time.
anybody else smell politics...???
When it was 4.67/ any current info? :poke: PA does have highest by state.

Nobody likes "sin" taxes as much as Cook County... Cook County, or as we call it "Crook County" has some of the highest taxes in the country....

Their new 'sugar tax' kicks in July 1st, now a 2 liter of pop will go from $0.99 to $1.83 because of the new tax on sugary drinks... The price of pop will now double with the new Crook county tax...

They also have high taxes on liquor and tobacco... That's why when someone from Cook county goes out of the county or to Indiana, they stock up on the beer-gas-cigarettes to avoid the extra Crook county taxes....
But I can't find any current info that lists how much tax is on one gallon in Cook County, IL.... They seem to break it down to just cook county and not include the other taxes... IL is one of only 7 states to charge sales tax on gas also....
For you guys talking about off road diesel, does your state have dye in that diesel? Our's is red and the DNR will check especially farmers diesel pick up's.
The regular diesel is clear the off road red for the same
For you guys talking about off road diesel, does your state have dye in that diesel? Our's is red and the DNR will check especially farmers diesel pick up's.
off road is red for that reason, never heard of anyone here getting checked.
This was good.I only ate a half slice of toast.I have to get back to eating right.I'm tooooo fat!

Nobody likes "sin" taxes as much as Cook County... Cook County, or as we call it "Crook County" has some of the highest taxes in the country....

Their new 'sugar tax' kicks in July 1st, now a 2 liter of pop will go from $0.99 to $1.83 because of the new tax on sugary drinks... The price of pop will now double with the new Crook county tax...

They also have high taxes on liquor and tobacco... That's why when someone from Cook county goes out of the county or to Indiana, they stock up on the beer-gas-cigarettes to avoid the extra Crook county taxes....
But I can't find any current info that lists how much tax is on one gallon in Cook County, IL.... They seem to break it down to just cook county and not include the other taxes... IL is one of only 7 states to charge sales tax on gas also....
State Gasoline Tax Rates in 2017 - Tax Foundation
i seen that. I know Indiana is working on an emergency measure, there is many who think that Illinois may default on their welfare and pension payments in the coming weeks/months and thus result in a massive migration from Illinois to neighboring states. Illinois is toast unless they cut some MAJOR programs deeply. I was looking at the math yesterday, bankruptcy is probably their only option at this point, they're far too deep in the hole to pull out in my life time.

They caught a guy that had three "government jobs" that was due to be getting over $250,000 per year in pension once his "20 years" kicks in....

And they wonder why our state is in so much debt with **** like that going on... Free rides off the taxpayers...
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This was good.I only ate a half slice of toast.I have to get back to eating right.I'm tooooo fat!

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I have lost a few pounds since I'm home. I have been drinking more water (more convenient to go to the bathroom) and eating fruit and veggies for snacks instead of doughnuts and candy bars. I hope my weight loss continues. A pound or so a week would be good. Although, my buddy took me out last night for steak and a couple big beers last night.
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They caught a gy that had three "government jobs" that was due to be getting over $250,000 per year in pension once his "20 years" kicks in....

And they wonder why our state is in so much debt with **** like that going on... Free rides off the taxpayers...
Did they give him a bonus for his hard work doing all 3 jobs?
Did they give him a bonus for his hard work doing all 3 jobs?

He gets to draw a pension from all three which will exceed $250,000 per year...


Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The ABC7 I-Team has been looking into a mind-boggling statement made by the Gov. Bruce Rauner on Wednesday.

"One out of every four dollars taken from taxpayers by the state goes into a system that is giving more than 11,000 government retirees tax-free, six-figure pensions worth as much as, in one case, $450,000 per year," Rauner said.

Government pensions in Illinois are tax-free by Illinois, one of the few states that does not tax government pensions. Federal taxes are not exempt.

READ: Illinois' top government pensions

The person receiving a $450,000 pension went unnamed, but the I-Team has learned he is a man named Tapas Das Gupta, a doctor retired from University of Illinois Chicago Hospital. Currently taxpayers are footing his annual pension of $452, 843, but what the governor didn't mention is that the No. 2 top pensioner also makes about that much.

According to state pension records obtained by the I-Team, there are dozens of retired state workers with pensions of more than $200,000 per year, several at more than $300,000, and two atop the list at more than $400,000. The tax-free money is subsidized by taxpayers.

No. 1 is the UIC doctor, Tapas Das Gupta, a surgical oncologist schooled in Calcutta, India and who retired at 72.

Runner-up top state pensioner is Dr. Edward Abraham, a UIC orthopedic surgeon educated in Beruit, Lebanon, who retired at age 66 and receives a $439,000 a year pension.

Even as he receives that pension, Dr. Abraham has been hired back here at UIC part-time. It's double dipping that is perfectly legal in Illinois and that other state pensioners take advantage of.

According to state records, Abraham is projected to receive more than $9 million in pension payouts from the State of Illinois during his retirement.

And there are dozens of retirees whose lifetime payouts are expected to be between $5 and $10 million.

The top-grossing state pensioner is expected to be a former kindergarten teacher, now retired school from his job as superintendent of Lincolnshire District 103, Larry K. Fleming. After retiring recently at age 55, Fleming is projected to receive $11, 535, 660 during the rest of his life.

Nearly all of the biggest state pensions are being paid to university medical doctors, local school administrators and teachers. In his speech Wednesday, the governor said those retirees- and all current state pensioners- will get everything they were promised, but that changes are needed for future state retirees.
He gets to draw a pension from all three which will exceed $250,000 per year...


Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The ABC7 I-Team has been looking into a mind-boggling statement made by the Gov. Bruce Rauner on Wednesday.

"One out of every four dollars taken from taxpayers by the state goes into a system that is giving more than 11,000 government retirees tax-free, six-figure pensions worth as much as, in one case, $450,000 per year," Rauner said.

Government pensions in Illinois are tax-free by Illinois, one of the few states that does not tax government pensions. Federal taxes are not exempt.

READ: Illinois' top government pensions

The person receiving a $450,000 pension went unnamed, but the I-Team has learned he is a man named Tapas Das Gupta, a doctor retired from University of Illinois Chicago Hospital. Currently taxpayers are footing his annual pension of $452, 843, but what the governor didn't mention is that the No. 2 top pensioner also makes about that much.

According to state pension records obtained by the I-Team, there are dozens of retired state workers with pensions of more than $200,000 per year, several at more than $300,000, and two atop the list at more than $400,000. The tax-free money is subsidized by taxpayers.

No. 1 is the UIC doctor, Tapas Das Gupta, a surgical oncologist schooled in Calcutta, India and who retired at 72.

Runner-up top state pensioner is Dr. Edward Abraham, a UIC orthopedic surgeon educated in Beruit, Lebanon, who retired at age 66 and receives a $439,000 a year pension.

Even as he receives that pension, Dr. Abraham has been hired back here at UIC part-time. It's double dipping that is perfectly legal in Illinois and that other state pensioners take advantage of.

According to state records, Abraham is projected to receive more than $9 million in pension payouts from the State of Illinois during his retirement.

And there are dozens of retirees whose lifetime payouts are expected to be between $5 and $10 million.

The top-grossing state pensioner is expected to be a former kindergarten teacher, now retired school from his job as superintendent of Lincolnshire District 103, Larry K. Fleming. After retiring recently at age 55, Fleming is projected to receive $11, 535, 660 during the rest of his life.

Nearly all of the biggest state pensions are being paid to university medical doctors, local school administrators and teachers. In his speech Wednesday, the governor said those retirees- and all current state pensioners- will get everything they were promised, but that changes are needed for future state retirees.
They caught a guy that had three "government jobs" that was due to be getting over $250,000 per year in pension once his "20 years" kicks in....

And they wonder why our state is in so much debt with **** like that going on... Free rides off the taxpayers...

im not even sure how to respond to this
ever heard of "spiking"? a state police practice that ups their retirement amount.. simply put, they work mega OT during their last three years of service which increase their salary and then their retirement $$ is based on those last three years..
SOB, I just got an email on that 401K rollover into a personal roth. I have to have permission from my previous employer to do so and the dude thats in charge of it(plan administrator) is on vacation for the next 2 weeks. Kicker is, I filed this paper work 2 weeks ago, I have until tomorrow before they force withdraw my funds and mail me a check :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead: