Stop in for a cup of coffee

Goop morning,
really Mike.. braggart!! LOL

well im officially in the dog house with the wife lol
you do seem to say that a lot... if one sentence runs into the next and you're never really completely out - maybe just let us know IF you do ever get out - until then we'll just assume you're still in it.. :poke:

I love my wife dont get me wrong, but damn, the naggging at times gets old. Granted, she's not bad about it, just occasionally, but when she does, she doesnt stop for days.
sounds like PMS
LOL just got a friend request on facebook, here is the profile pic what can go wrong?
The hand is getting better little by little... Now I can move it pretty good most of the time, but get some pain/stiffness here and there...

I'm trying to get my grip strength back... sometimes it hurts when I push it and then it gets stiff for a bit...

But I'm trying to push it, but not overdue it trying to get it back to normal...

Overall, progress is positive... Just a little pain/stiffness here and there...
PT is the worst part of an injury - period.
really Mike.. braggart!! LOL

you do seem to say that a lot... if one sentence runs into the next and you're never really completely out - maybe just let us know IF you do ever get out - until then we'll just assume you're still in it.. :poke:

sounds like PMS
yeah probably.....
yep, JP8 simply has an additive in it that regular diesel fuel doesnt. The additive is designed to prevent water from mixing with the fuel. JP8 to begin with is also refined to a lower water per billion count than standard diesel fuel. (can you tell im in an aviation unit responsible for fueling aircraft yet?)
Also anti foaming in the aircraft, high altitude does strange things to liquids.
PT is the worst part of an injury - period.

The only other major bone that I broke was in my shin... No PT needed with that, just work on it until it can support the weight after the cast comes off...

Hands and feet take more rehab.... :BangHead:
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Not just farmers. I know we had it for our jocky trucks at the warehouse, pretty sure construction sites are same.

Cause the govt is ripping us off. Duh :BangHead:
so speaking of the government ripping us off. I have a friend out in CA that is a diehard gooberment is always right dem loving leftie. I get this message from her bragging about how CA should be the example for all states blah blah blah because they lowered their deficit for just this year, from 27 million to 23 million....... they did it by literally taxing everything you can think of, including taxes on using public restrooms. yet they still have 1.3 TRILLION dollars in debt overall.
thought that was illegal now? I remember pay to use restrooms. Mostly at the beach.
for private businesses...... the state levied a restroom tax that gets shoved onto every bill even if you dont use the restroom from what she was telling me. She said too that they even have to pay to register bikes now in some cities....... Yet she still thinks CA is the model for the country................
so speaking of the government ripping us off. I have a friend out in CA that is a diehard gooberment is always right dem loving leftie. I get this message from her bragging about how CA should be the example for all states blah blah blah because they lowered their deficit for just this year, from 27 million to 23 million....... they did it by literally taxing everything you can think of, including taxes on using public restrooms. yet they still have 1.3 TRILLION dollars in debt overall.

Yeah, Our budget in Illinois is so bad, they just suspended the lotto last night because they don't have the money to pay any big winners...

Legislature is sitting on their *** playing politics on balancing the budget...

we're going to be the first state to get junk bond status....

They haven't passed a budget in 3 years now.... we need to fire all the politicians and get new ones...

One legislature was on the news last night criticizing them for having to cancel the lottery - he says lotto generates $700 - $800 million a year and the politicians are going to screw that up....

Pretty soon our state will run on I-O-U's....