Stop in for a cup of coffee

First in line First in line :rofl:

Monster MoPar 2013 089.jpg
Wierd I have not seen a post by Leanna (cudachick) in my thread :(
I saw your post in her thread yesterday...

Has she been on since???
She has not, but she did PM me on FB and said they are in Kentucky haveing a late breakfast, should be at Leanna's around 2 I beleve
how many quarts of primer should i get , epoxy base primer only
wouldnt it be easier to just say all soda is toxic? I mean every name brand is on there

Maybe more fake news so Cook County can justify sugar tax on beverages...

<<<those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves>>>
-Neil Peart
wouldnt it be easier to just say all soda is toxic? I mean every name brand is on there
That article is some of the worst pseudo-science skewed for shock value out there.

Believe it or not, orange juice has the same amount of sugar as those "evil sodas" do and has more calories too. If it were manufactured in a factory instead of inside an orange and was carbonated, it would be number one on that list by their definition of "toxic".

They also left out the parts about how all the things they claim to be carcinogens only become that way when rats eat half their body weight of them daily for 6 months. I could go on dissecting their claims, but it just kept getting I stopped reading.
I'd like to pose a question to the coffee crew: On an in town street driven and occasional strip visit car, is there any reason to shell out the extra cash for a fast ratio manual steering box?
I'd like to pose a question to the coffee crew: On an in town street driven and occasional strip visit car, is there any reason to shell out the extra cash for a fast ratio manual steering box?
I'd like to pose a question to the coffee crew: On an in town street driven and occasional strip visit car, is there any reason to shell out the extra cash for a fast ratio manual steering box?
Nope. Unless you are setting up the entire suspension to be a corner-carver, you aren't going to get much value out of it.
how many quarts of primer should i get , epoxy base primer only
I would just get a deal on a gallon.. I have seen 3 quarts cost more if they have to put it in the can there self.

At least two but probably three for an entire car.
a little extra just incase, no more trips to town and did not run out :thumbsup: