Great news Karl. Fingers crossed.
Thanks Mitch...
Great news Karl. Fingers crossed.
I'm up at 4 am about every morning about 2 or cups of mud every morning have a great day everyone
Now he's trying to trick me into feeding him... It's not time for that yet... :violent1:
Turned out really nice here yesterday, good dry wall painting day.
This worked for my great grand mother until her doctor messed up her meds-she lived until 98. She was only allowed two cups of coffee by her doctor, so you could stand your spoon up in the cup. She only bothered to take all of her meds at once, drank two cups of coffee, fed the chickens, made breakfast, read the paper, and after 4-6 hours, went back to bed (in the end).
Sounds like my kind of lady. Sorry the doctor messed up her meds. That happened with my Grandma. Seems like doctors figure, oh, you're old anyway, if your meds aren't right, it's not a big deal. She probably would have been better off to keep drinking coffee like she had done all her life instead of just having the two cups.
Good morning and stuff
I do that a bunchOops, I typed my reply in your quote, this is why we need coffee!
Oh, the coffee's starting to kick in...How was your birthday??
Mornin' folks. Gonna try and get some more done on the heads today. Finish up one intake and one exhaust and make templates to get the rest close.
What a pain in the arse porting heads.
My big truck broke so I have some free time until it's fixed.
They will do that. Even worse when there is more than one person who feeds them. If I am not in the house a feeding time, I always ask. Holley will stand by her bowl and give me the 'please feed me eyes', only to find out she just got fed.
I know a great head guy near the Detroit Metro Airport that can port and polish your heads and also set them up with a valve job etc...
Just in case you run out of steam....
But that costs money. I am doing a "dumpster build" as Skrews called his, lol.
Heads already had the valve work done (bought them that way), that could be why it's taking me a bit longer, as I don't want to muck up the seats. :???: