Stop in for a cup of coffee

And these houses were NICE, that part of California is expensive. WAS thinking of moving there after wife retires.
be a good time to do it now, all the underbrush is gone and burnt and property values will drop drastically
The good old carpetbagger theory, was thinking the same thing. Still prob a 100k a acre though.
When I was looking at houses around San Jose (within 100 miles actually) They were crazy priced. Found one around 85 miles away from work for 450,000 which was a good price then, it got into a bidding war since I saw it the first day it was listed, finally sold for 700k! in three days!
When I was looking at houses around San Jose (within 100 miles actually) They were crazy priced. Found one around 85 miles away from work for 450,000 which was a good price then, it got into a bidding war since I saw it the first day it was listed, finally sold for 700k! in three days!
Real Estate in Cali. is CRAZY high. Well, at least where you would want to live...
Mine has actually gone up a bunch property doubled since I bought it. Have a feeling My daughter might try to buy it one day. Hell as long as I have the shop!:rofl:
Mine has actually gone up a bunch property doubled since I bought it. Have a feeling My daughter might try to buy it one day. Hell as long as I have the shop!:rofl:
Yeah.. Residential Real estate around the Metro Wash DC and Annapolis area is pretty nuts, also. Commercial property is even nuttier..I own some of both. All the properties I own have quadrupled in the years I've owned them. Young persons can not afford to live around here. :BangHead::BangHead: