Stop in for a cup of coffee

Almost had a fight in the grocery checkout. LOL. I get in line. Guy in front of me gives me a pissed look and says 'she was in line' I'm like'what'? Look behind me and there is an older woman. So I say 'sorry, were you in line" She says she stepped away to get something, has no issue with loosing her place, but I asked her did she want to go ahead. (we both only had baskets with a few items) 'No', all good. Guy in front barks at me "it's called respect' Me,calmly,' No, it was an accident' he grumbled some more, but grabbed his bags and moved on...I apologized to the woman, who was not upset in the least, just surprised by the whole thing. :drama:
Almost had a fight in the grocery checkout. LOL. I get in line. Guy in front of me gives me a pissed look and says 'she was in line' I'm like'what'? Look behind me and there is an older woman. So I say 'sorry, were you in line" She says she stepped away to get something, has no issue with loosing her place, but I asked her did she want to go ahead. (we both only had baskets with a few items) 'No', all good. Guy in front barks at me "it's called respect' Me,calmly,' No, it was an accident' he grumbled some more, but grabbed his bags and moved on...I apologized to the woman, who was not upset in the least, just surprised by the whole thing. :drama:
huh - I think if she had an issue with it she'd have said so - little old lady's are incredibly fearless - - I might have suggested the Mr.Busybody that maybe it was none-ya
Just a drive by. Being picked up at the front drive in a few minutes, by my friend on her way to work. Someone up there made this happen With perfect timing.
Well I got the shelves together in the storage garage. It really freed up some space and help me organize and while I was at it I hung up a little FABO garage art.
huh - I think if she had an issue with it she'd have said so - little old lady's are incredibly fearless - - I might have suggested the Mr.Busybody that maybe it was none-ya
I might have as well if he hadn't moved on when he did. Really try not to indulge miserable people by becoming part of their crap storm. Would have liked to say some things that probably would have offended the old lady, cashier,etc. And it might have made me late for work...
I might have as well if he hadn't moved on when he did. Really try not to indulge miserable people by becoming part of their crap storm. Would have liked to say some things that probably would have offended the old lady, cashier,etc. And it might have made me late for work...
Breaking out in song usually solves these things. A rousing rendition of 'Go Fu@k Yourself' would have been quite fitting to that situation..
Harry Nilsson has a song that would go good here, but i decided not to post it.

Got my shelving up too,100” tall 84”wide. They huge. Sure a whole barracuda will fit in them.
oops - knew I was probably wrong - took a shot at it Jon. I was in Florida on vacation when Irma came-a calling - cut our stay in half! Plus my mom lives in Naples and they essentially took a direct hit - it's been a time for sure.

Man, I hope they are okay. I need a new roof but it is not leaking yet so really glad about that. I got up there and replaced about 30 shingles and have about 10 more that don't look so well. I lost power for 8 days and work was closed for a week so things will be tight for a while. BUT my heart held up while I was on the roof pounding nails so I am very blessed for that. Didn't think I could do it by myself!
I had to click "agree" because "like" is not fitting. Damn, I can't believe the devastation.

Just horrible. I am originally from the Santa Barbara area and remember trying to leave my father's house to go to LAX and a plane doing a retardant drop right over us... the 101 was shut down and had to wait for the fire to hop the freeway! Scary stuff for sure. These fires they have right now are some of the worst ever.
Tried canning my first ever batch of pickles this evening, got 9/10 to seal so far, 3 more to go. Then I have to wait 6 weeks to actually eat the things