Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning, Tim, good to see you, about time you joined the rest of us middle aged cheap bastards.

Glad to be home and you guys really helped keep my spirits up and anxiety down while I was in the hospital. Thanks for putting up with my postings.

Having someone BRING me a cup of coffee to sip while I was slowly waking up was nice. My question is do your wives/significant others ever do that for you?
Woke up to about a dozen mule deer in the back yard.


Its been a journey, but I married my sweetheart Sat. and now time to merge two lifetime households into one

Thanks for making the announcement, Pete, all your friends here are so happy for you and your bride. My hat's off to you for making it where you are on your journey. Congratulations!
Ok, I"m gonna get a quick nap in before going to the bank and some shopping...

Smell you all later...
I have to get to the bank myself then got a really good dist to rebuild, RB dual point tach drive! Really in great shape.
@krazykuda, should I go to 5/16" stem 2.02" intake valves or stick with the standard 3/8" stem?

I'm contemplating going full retard on these heads. It turns out it isn't as expensive to re-do them as I thought. Going to need a ridiculous cam, too.
Waitin for my scan tool update to finish loading. Paid for the subscription months ago, never got around to setting system up to link my scanner to pc. A quiet day and time for some admin work.
Almost forgot, my shelving. A couple chunks of plywood for across top and a flourescent light and i now have a project parts bin.