Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey ABB....are you close to the fires? The pictures posted last night are sad. Not to take away from the devastation of a hurricane as bad as that is you still have a chance to live...But I hate small burns from welding. Damn...I hate to think about your world on fire and not able to get away. So sad
Nope no frost.mind you, i’m pretty close to the river, makes a difference. Had a couple days ago, prompted me to put in a remote starter.
That's a,damn good .. question...Being middle aged,and a cheap bastard...Watching " The last American Hero " , on Youtube. And no,not William Katt's garbage....and bored off my ***.
Hey bud, what are you doing up so early? It's 5 am on the left coast. Right?
My nutty brother that lives in Memphis is dropping by for a two day visit (I don't see how he lives there) to get away from the city.
I have a Bob Cat on it's way here this morning so I bet I get a bunch dun around here this morning
Here is the location of our 36 deep 40 wide shop. blocking the new people next door

First !! let me show you what I am going to have to deal with this weekend my nutty crazy *** brother, yep , younger and it shows :rofl::rofl:


Hey ABB....are you close to the fires? The pictures posted last night are sad. Not to take away from the devastation of a hurricane as bad as that is you still have a chance to live...But I hate small burns from welding. Damn...I hate to think about your world on fire and not able to get away. So sad
Negative... Everywhere ,but us...
That's a,damn good .. question...Being middle aged,and a cheap bastard...Watching " The last American Hero " , on Youtube. And no,not William Katt's garbage....and bored off my ***.

Good morning, Tim, good to see you, about time you joined the rest of us middle aged cheap bastards.

Glad to be home and you guys really helped keep my spirits up and anxiety down while I was in the hospital. Thanks for putting up with my postings.

Having someone BRING me a cup of coffee to sip while I was slowly waking up was nice. My question is do your wives/significant others ever do that for you?
:rofl::rofl:Having someone BRING me a cup of coffee to sip while I was slowly waking up was nice. My question is do your wives/significant others ever do that for you?

Good morning, Tim, good to see you, about time you joined the rest of us middle aged cheap bastards.

Glad to be home and you guys really helped keep my spirits up and anxiety down while I was in the hospital. Thanks for putting up with my postings.

Having someone BRING me a cup of coffee to sip while I was slowly waking up was nice. My question is do your wives/significant others ever do that for you?
Hay !! happy to see you are at home and out of that ..... oh .:wtf:. I was going to say nut house but you was in a different wing , yep !! Treva does at times, I am up first so.. :)