Stop in for a cup of coffee

and what about this "the man" can look back at (or at least hear) you through your Smart TV BS? Any credence to that?
No camera on mine, so who knows. They are always looking for an edge for marketing, so who know. I put tape over cameras on lap tops, no way to remotely take off the tape.
I can understand that. The problem with this kind of science is that you actually have to believe the scientists, no-one other is capable of having a relevant opinion. It's exactly like a dentist. Why ask anybody who's not a dentist why your tooth aches? If all climate scientist in the world (minus a handful who've been showed to be funded by the fossile industry and whose studies have ALL been found to be flawed) agree, the sane and responsible thing to do is to take their word for it.

Wouldn't you agree?
Many years ago the consensus/ truth was that the world was flat and folks who thought otherwise were idiots.. Truths change.
Off to the post office! Then to see Mom. I'll be back with a tracking number for you Tim.
Yes, but I need more photos from folks to work with. Right now I have Keith, Tim, M1, Me and David.
well if you want, feel free to use the purple 64 polara pic that you did for me for January.
I checked three times, Nope. Still Monday....
Many years ago the consensus/ truth was that the world was flat and folks who thought otherwise were idiots.. Truths change.
Now I see what got this started! I still agree with BD's observation. :)
The challenge is not so much that concensus has become confused for truth; although that is a concern. More fundementally we have a society that no longer recognizes or trust expertise, and yet has no other tool to filter the tons of information thrown at us. While I agree it is impossible to check everything, because we are not experts in everything (well most of us aren't) - it is possible to test or check on things that matter to us. Most people don't do that, maybe don't even know how.
That's one reason I often provide references in my tech posts. I figure at least some folks will see where it comes from.

From a practical standpoint, Those cars would be fine with aftermarket quarters. NOS is really for upper valued cars like Higher end B and E bodies and maybe a few upper end A bodies like Hemi Darts or the like. Just my take.
From a practical standpoint, Those cars would be fine with aftermarket quarters. NOS is really for upper valued cars like Higher end B and E bodies and maybe a few upper end A bodies like Hemi Darts or the like. Just my take.
I bought 2 quarters for that price. Had a 69 Barracuda attached to them..
You painted brick and big welcome woody is a pretty handsome combination. I like your woody! (wait for it) LOL
That's the little woman's woodie now.. I just put **** together that looks something like pictures she finds. my work is done!
Until her next Pinterest visit!