Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have to add octain boost on the Pop, but just hooked up with a guy that has 100 octane right now $4 a gallon so I am mixing it.
If you look at the radar, you see most of this is missing me......But looks like yoose guys are gettin nailed.....:thumbsup:
Oh it sucks here right now, have to see if I can get out of the drive with the cobalt in the am! Hope so I wanted to hang with you.
They just upped the snow here to 5",
Guess you are getting our share. Was expecting to wake up to snow. They were calling for a couple inches. but it's just freezing rain here. Supposed to change to all rain by noon. So, not looking like we will get any accumulation
Good Morning
The traffic woman is overloaded with the accident map, actually she said to many to list look at the map. I aint going anywhere until I finish the truck which will be after this cup!
I broke my e-mail.
Could always recieve,but some setting was off and i couldnt send. I have been using gmail and hotmail but wanted get my wireless provider email working.
Ya, so all my incoming business stuff is gone. Guess i will pay them a visit today.let them set it up on my phone.
Is this on a computer with some sort of e-mail progam?
program = App (thats what the kids call 'em)

If so, its probably just the settings. You can change them yourself. Your provider will have them listed somewhere or you can call them. The settings will be things like the name of their server, such as or and then a Port number and what type of encryption. There is a seperate one for outgoing than incoming.
Man I got some really low ball offers today SCORES!

This is a good one 340 4 barrel $25 and a accel blaster coil!

Trying to get this for 40
Do the Fentanyl patches make her mood/energy spike then crash? My buddy was on them and it was rough to live with him like that.
Oh it gets even better she got a call from the weed doc to get a recommendation for medical marihuana, well she thought it was coved by Blue Cross? Come on girl, so out of pocket 260 and it gets better after the approval to get it whenever the pot pharmacies open she has to pay for the prescription that they prescribe then pay for the whatever, prob vape stuff. she really thought insurance would cover it,
No free Dope? :wtf::mob: :lol:
Yes and she has been on them for 20 years, believe me it is rough around here at times. Every couple of months I just need a day or two break from it one of the reason I love Carlisle! I always invite her but guess she does not want to sleep in the truck, drink beer and BBQ. Some things I just don't understand!:rofl:
Mmmm... Did they film that at your last BBQ?
Never seen anything like that at our local Hardees. What were they selling anyway? :D LOL
Yep, in Memphis :thankyou: selling there skills, and working for Hardies, so I guess there bodies was the main thing here, I bet they mad good money that day :thumbsup:
Keefer your work close yet? Looks like all the state stuff did and a ton of others.
I have not seen more than 1/2 in in many years here, looks like 7 years ago it was worse we have had in a long time, my Dodge daily driver was covered, Vic was covered in the back ground

Well time to brave the great white wonder ou there glad I have plenty of oil for the shop heater, and plenty to do, truck, parts came for the dist tester, and have beer guess life could be worse be safe guys!
Morning all...guess our storm yesterday has made it to you. Can tell you behind it is sunshine and 50's here tomorrow. Only for a day, then it's snow Saturday.
Sounds like we will get snow every day through Saturday but just a 1" at a time. Not really enough to blow every day.
Good morning late risers, lets get this day started :usflag: Time to cook me some boneless chickens :thumbsup:

Eggs :lol::rofl:
Good morning late risers, lets get this day started :usflag: Time to cook me some boneless chickens :thumbsup:

Eggs :lol::rofl:
Hey Mike, did you happen to see the local tv article I shared on Facebook? What a mess.