Stop in for a cup of coffee

Buy in when it bottoms out?
Right now it’s a buyer market. Not everything is down, so informed prudence is the order of the day.

Things that are up now may drop later and vice-versa. A diversified portfolio is key along with moving the money around. The fundamentals remain strong, so long term strategies are still just as viable as they were a week ago.

If you are moving fresh cash into the market, wait a few days and see if the correction has leveled out.
Better show a pic b/4 they are gone! M M M tasty!
It’s just a normal correction. You were screaming major crash.
I agree, last week only lost what I'd made for 2018. Couple days ago made 20% loss back. I'm sending my guy more money, invest when its right.
Like wizard of OZ, the man behind the curtain.....close your eyes.
Last time i dropped off a cluster, went for coffee and drove back to his shop it was done. 225 and away i went.
This time is a buick that needs the motors replaced. A little more money. I dont care. It gets fixed.
Im lucky hes so close.
I can buy the motors,and try it myself,but if its not right then i have to pay him anyways.
Last time i dropped off a cluster, went for coffee and drove back to his shop it was done. 225 and away i went.
This time is a buick that needs the motors replaced. A little more money. I dont care. It gets fixed.
Im lucky hes so close.
I can buy the motors,and try it myself,but if its not right then i have to pay him anyways.
Oh I know being in Kansas us locals have a good time when someone mentions the Wizard....Wizard of Oz, Toto,
Great to have someone like that, for sure.
Nathan Chen just bombed out on the ice. Poor showing. Others are doing bad also.
Hey now this is taking care of the "jack" issue and playing it safe.