Stop in for a cup of coffee

2" in the low spots god solid 1/2 everywhere else, that storm the other day started as rain, then 3" snow then sleet then back to rain right at sunset and 15 that night. Put 100lbs of salt around yesterday did nothing it was to cold.
Wow a lot of decent dual point deals on flea bay today. No cash for them though.....:mad:
Ever see one of these?

New one on me supposed to be 64.
Looks like a RB, strange wondering if it is a aftermarket don't usually see dual points in a aluminum housing.
Just a couple highlights over 1200 miles this week, my 90 year old former neighbor, and a stop in Cross Creek FL where the author of one of my favorite books The Yearling lived.






Looks like a RB, strange wondering if it is a aftermarket don't usually see dual points in a aluminum housing.

Probably is then. Hey, how much to rebuild a 2nd Poly dizzy for me? Haven't looked at it yet but that engine I got yesterday came with one
Ray, I re adjusted the valves and changed the oil in the 383 yesterday... Valves were off a little. Then I remember that I decked the block. I had just put the assys back on without checking them. They were only a little tighter than they should have been. Seen plenty of oil in the heads, and the break in oil looked ok. When I first started it the other day, I found an oil puddle at the rear main area. So I was like GD it, not agian. Those things are a ***** to get right. But.........After I've run the engine a few times, the leak dissapeared. Only saw that happen one time before. It was on the ATK rebuilt Jeep Engine, I put in my Comanche.... So.... all seems good. Gonna take it for a spin today....:thumbsup: @halifaxhops
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Wow a lot of decent dual point deals on flea bay today. No cash for them though.....:mad:
So you buy just BB stuff cheaper hold it and re-build, re-sell or what?? Just curious, I know nothing about them. I just looked and see the price difference.
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Duke found this on Mitch's build watch posted by Hoppy....Is this Mitch or Hoppy??
Looking at picture..... Mitch on the Left...Then Keefer, BenDrinkin, Hoppy, D Daddy, Tike.....:usflag:
Morning guys...Hoppy very interesting haven't seen one like that in a long time.
Nobody had seen them. They are ALL at Hoppyland! He's gonna gonna have all the Sun machines ever made. Drive up the price and then sell them all.
Good Morning
We got 6" of snow last night. I have been out since 6:30 and it's time for a break and a cup of coffee.
We are on page 7777. That's a bad omen!
Your thinking 666. My zip code is 66614. Once I was ordering parts, talking to some lady on the left coast. When I told her my zip she freaked, on and on, pretty funny.
Put 100lbs of salt around yesterday did nothing it was to cold.
You would need a ton (literally) to clear that much ice. I used about 80lbs to clear a 1/4 to 1/2" off my drive. and that was along with a lot of chipping amnd scraping. To melt it completely I would have needed at least twice that much.
Well, time to get back at it. I was going to start brewing a batch of beer today. It might have to wait till tomorrow.
Well, time to get back at it. I was going to start brewing a batch of beer today. It might have to wait till tomorrow.
That will be a day longer till you can drink it! :wtf:
"Never put off beer till tomorrow that you could brew today"
I think somebody famous said that. OK, maybe that's not exactly it...:lol:
Man, it looks like i slaughtered someone in the bed of this truck... I didn't catch that the guy didnt have the trans plugged when he took the lines out, all the ATF is all over the bed :BangHead: