Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sigh. Let us know if a legal beagle thinks the App company should be held partially responisble...
Up here,a motorhome got stuck on a licenced logging road,directed by an app.
Aparrently,roads travelled are added to database by users.
We were talking the other day about steep roads, how about this one near me\

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We have a 35% grade road near me with switch backs of 45* every 100 feet. It is only about a mile long but the trucks go up and down it at about 10 mph. There have been several dozen car wrecks on it over the past 10 years. They mainly get fubar’d going down hill on the last 100 yards where there is a sudden rise and 30* negative fall away in the middle of a 45* right turn. They slide across the road airborne into the 20 ton granite boulders on the opposite side.
Yes, it works fine but it looks like crap and it’s an under dash POS that detracts from the vintage appearance the rest of the interior has.
Under dash units seemed better sound wise. Early in dash units didn't have much in the way of adjustability except volume and balance. That "booster" I had was a battery sucking pig, I know that much. Took a lot of battery to make that booming 25w :rofl:
Thinkin on it, thats not quite true, in heavy slow moving traffic, I'll often see if there's any music or decent news broadcasting. Sometimes it helps cut the stress of put putting along. not much left in music on AM...
When going through LA, Sirrius XM and KLOS get sidelined for KNX AM where the traffic gurus live.
35% is a steep sunuvagun. That's 35' of run for every 100' of fall. That's put the paving machine on a winch attached to a dozer steep and haul the asphalt to the paver in a loader bucket.
Well the NARC/King of the West winged sprints postponed their activities until Sunday. The granbrats will be in Oceanside. I'm going to Oceanside.
Under dash units seemed better sound wise. Early in dash units didn't have much in the way of adjustability except volume and balance. That "booster" I had was a battery sucking pig, I know that much. Took a lot of battery to make that booming 25w :rofl:
Previous owner hacked the dash for a din style unit in the barracuda.
Guess i will clean it up and go with a good unit. I gotta have have my tunes.
Previous owner hacked the dash for a din style unit in the barracuda.
Guess i will clean it up and go with a good unit. I gotta have have my tunes.
When the brat had Charlie the Dart there was a remote/trunk mount unit that had a hard wired remote control. I considered that one at the time.
35% is a steep sunuvagun. That's 35' of run for every 100' of fall. That's put the paving machine on a winch attached to a dozer steep and haul the asphalt to the paver in a loader bucket.
Other way around. 35’ of fall for every 100 feet of run. 35% grade.
35% grade isn’t terrible, it’s only about a 20* angle from horizontal. But add turns and road level changes and it can get hairy.