Stop in for a cup of coffee

Not leaking lol. Wipers don't work. Have ordered bushings.

If you have to take out the wiper arms and pivots, I recommend using this kit... It comes with grease fittings so you can grease the pivots...

Look at how you want to put in the grease fittings in case you want to try greasing them after you install them later so you have clearance to try to grease them without removing them... Make sure you clock the grease fittings so they can be reached....

Mancini Racing Wiper Seal Kit

Prob go look around for some porcelain tubes at HD and Lowes need the right length.
Question: Would polyethylene work just as good? $2.84 on - Prices Drop As You Shop

poly insulator.jpg
No gets hot and would Melt. Thanks though I think I will have to buy 4 electrodes for the pieces. Doing a diesel run need anything?
Ever use RainX , it is unbelievably a great product that lets the rain roll right off, I know a bunch of folks that use it and it will let you drive in the rain

That's a gimmick...

Just wax your windows with regular car wax and the water will bead off also...

The local car wash used some of the rain x treatment on my windshield once and I think they mixed it with one of the other chemicals because it would cloud when the light hit it at night... I never paid for that service there again after that... Even when they offered it free, I would pass....
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That's a gimmick...

Just wax your windows with regular car wax and the water will bead off also...

The local car wash used some of the rain x treatment on my windshield once and I think they mixed it with one of the other chemicals because it would cloud when the light hit it... I never paid for that service there again after that... Even when they offered it free, I would pass....

Thank you but I have a stash of it from a car club outing, the anti fog stuff they makes works great Krazy :thumbsup:
and understanding the dash gauges
Then they're ahead of many! There's a thread either here or on the FSJ forum where the guy was measuring voltage under the hood trying to solve a battery or charging issue and never looked at the ammeter. I get that many don't understand exactly what it does, but a generally idea that it tells somehting about the charging system I'd hope is not so hard??????
Well folks' time for me to fly !! Hit the road even, have a dandy day everyone.
