Stop in for a cup of coffee

What did he drag in this time Krazy ?

I let him out to do his business... He did both...

I let him in and he still had more left.... Having an accident in the living room.... I tried to tell him to go back out and he wouldn't.... I had to grab him by his collar and lead him out the door as it kept coming....

If he would have listened to me and went out I wouldn't have had such a big mess to clean up....

I was going to make him stay out while I get ready for work, but I haven't given him his heart worm or flea treatments this spring yet...

He also barked me awake while I was napping in my recliner (which helps my back) earlier this morning because he doesn't like sleeping on his bed on the floor out there and prefers to sleep in my bed... I wouldn't let him in my room after that because I want to teach him that if he keeps waking me up to go to the room, he won't be able to go in the room.... If I keep letting him wake me up, he will keep doing it... I DECIDE WHERE WE SLEEP AND WHEN, NOT HIM....
I let him out to do his business... He did both...

I let him in and he still had more left.... Having an accident in the living room.... I tried to tell him to go back out and he wouldn't.... I had to grab him by his collar and lead him out the door as it kept coming....

If he would have listened to me and went out I wouldn't have had such a big mess to clean up....

I was going to make him stay out while I get ready for work, but I haven't given him his heart worm or flea treatments this spring yet...

He also barked me awake while I was napping in my recliner (which helps my back) earlier this morning because he doesn't like sleeping on his bed on the floor out there and prefers to sleep in my bed... I wouldn't let him in my room after that because I want to teach him that if he keeps waking me up to go to the room, he won't be able to go in the room.... If I keep letting him wake me up, he will keep doing it... I DECIDE WHERE WE SLEEP AND WHEN, NOT HIM....
Ouch !!! That would muck up a morning fast !! I would put him outside all day and let him reflect ..
I let him out to do his business... He did both...

I let him in and he still had more left.... Having an accident in the living room.... I tried to tell him to go back out and he wouldn't.... I had to grab him by his collar and lead him out the door as it kept coming....

If he would have listened to me and went out I wouldn't have had such a big mess to clean up....

I was going to make him stay out while I get ready for work, but I haven't given him his heart worm or flea treatments this spring yet...

He also barked me awake while I was napping in my recliner (which helps my back) earlier this morning because he doesn't like sleeping on his bed on the floor out there and prefers to sleep in my bed... I wouldn't let him in my room after that because I want to teach him that if he keeps waking me up to go to the room, he won't be able to go in the room.... If I keep letting him wake me up, he will keep doing it... I DECIDE WHERE WE SLEEP AND WHEN, NOT HIM....

Stop giving him coffee!!!
My dog likes to go out at 4:30-5:00 every morning. Was good for a long time, then she had an ear infection,meds made her drink a lot of water and has been this way ever since. Went deaf in the meantime too.
Ouch !!! That would muck up a morning fast !! I would put him outside all day and let him reflect ..

He's an indoor dog...

I may not let him sleep in the room tonight and that will get it to sink in.... He really likes to sleep on the bed and it's a good punishment to not let him...
He's an indoor dog...

I may not let him sleep in the room tonight and that will get it to sink in.... He really likes to sleep on the bed and it's a good punishment to not let him...
I agree, it will sink in ! sorry to hear about you having a doo doo morning, been there a couple times but it was over 8 years ago.... got to love them anyhoo :)
Weather is cool today, rain was forecasted but now none..

The underfoot customer is going to be here this morning. He has a place to wait that isnt in the shop.
He’s right there, and in my way.
I stepped on his foot, so you know how close.
Has to be me,wont go elsewhere for a simple oil change.
So,moved some gear and made an office.
I agree, it will sink in ! sorry to hear about you having a doo doo morning, been there a couple times but it was over 8 years ago.... got to love them anyhoo :)

I understand him having the accident.... He's old in his senior years, and having more trouble to hold it in...

It's him not listening to me to go back out is why I'm mad at him...

I'm making him wait for his breakfast until just before I leave for work...
We got into the low 80's yesterday and going up to 84 today...

Rain predicted for tomorrow, Thur and Fri morning....

But this weekend is supposed to be warm and sunny...
I understand him having the accident.... He's old in his senior years, and having more trouble to hold it in...

It's him not listening to me to go back out is why I'm mad at him...

I'm making him wait for his breakfast until just before I leave for work...
I am sure my turn is coming , Buddy is entering his 9th year, he does great so far, if we leave he will not drink until we return, but when we do return he sounds like a horse drinking, he gets left inside 6 or more hours some days when we are gone, my sons come over two times a day to let him out..
We got into the low 80's yesterday and going up to 84 today...

Rain predicted for tomorrow, Thur and Fri morning....

But this weekend is supposed to be warm and sunny...
Same hear, rain to start our way Thursday, it's been a great few days :thumbsup:
We got into the low 80's yesterday and going up to 84 today...

Rain predicted for tomorrow, Thur and Fri morning....

But this weekend is supposed to be warm and sunny...
Hello ,K.K...Rain is perspective in Pismo Beach...
Kill my day off ....
I am sure my turn is coming , Buddy is entering his 9th year, he does great so far, if we leave he will not drink until we return, but when we do return he sounds like a horse drinking, he gets left inside 6 or more hours some days when we are gone, my sons come over two times a day to let him out..

Mine is 12 1/2... Been very good, averaged only one accident per year until now... He was good at holding it and if he did have an accident was good enough to go on the front entrance room where there is slate floor and it's easy to clean/wipe up....
Mine is 12 1/2... Been very good, averaged only one accident per year until now... He was good at holding it and if he did have an accident was good enough to go on the front entrance room where there is slate floor and it's easy to clean/wipe up....
Going on 13 years old !!! you are the man Krazy I know how you love these fuzzy/four legged friends ( as do I ) Don't be to ruff :D on em :thumbsup:
Mine is 12 1/2... Been very good, averaged only one accident per year until now... He was good at holding it and if he did have an accident was good enough to go on the front entrance room where there is slate floor and it's easy to clean/wipe up....
That's 80 something in doggie years. I betting I'll be shitting my pants at that age... (If I don't drink myself to death first!)
My lab is 13. She still acts like a puppy. That likes to sleep. A lot.
Just put the beagle down was getting ugly, no control, blind, bad rear legs, not my dog if so would have done it a long time ago no reason to be selfish when the animal is in pain.
I am sure my turn is coming , Buddy is entering his 9th year, he does great so far, if we leave he will not drink until we return, but when we do return he sounds like a horse drinking, he gets left inside 6 or more hours some days when we are gone, my sons come over two times a day to let him out..
Opposite here. Generally gets frantic if left in the house. Makes it complicated to plan things and worse to not plan things. And I can't complain because she's doing great for her age.