Stop in for a cup of coffee

So, Driving my 69 today down by the beach, My wife's second trip int the car. Guy in a BMW runs a red light, I did everything I could do to not get hit, ended up in the ditch! Had to get towed out. Simone will never ride in that car again, she was scared shitless!!! No real damage to the car, we were both ok as well. She might ride in it again......hope so.
:wtf: :eek: a holes...
So, Driving my 69 today down by the beach, My wife's second trip int the car. Guy in a BMW runs a red light, I did everything I could do to not get hit, ended up in the ditch! Had to get towed out. Simone will never ride in that car again, she was scared shitless!!! No real damage to the car, we were both ok as well. She might ride in it again......hope so.
And my insurance company advised against posting pictures of the accident. Could be used against us.....Other car, totaled and he is in the hospital. I guess he is blaming me. Lots of witnesses to the contrary. He hit a light pole. Freakin mess......
So, Driving my 69 today down by the beach, My wife's second trip int the car. Guy in a BMW runs a red light, I did everything I could do to not get hit, ended up in the ditch! Had to get towed out. Simone will never ride in that car again, she was scared shitless!!! No real damage to the car, we were both ok as well. She might ride in it again......hope so.
oh snap!! but the 69 is okay?!
I might have been that dumbass! I am really good at breaking ****...
Well, in my experience, even good people break stuff!!! Kept me in business for sure. Did pretty well actually...Seems lots of folks are afraid of 'lectricty!!!
And my insurance company advised against posting pictures of the accident. Could be used against us.....Other car, totaled and he is in the hospital. I guess he is blaming me. Lots of witnesses to the contrary. He hit a light pole. Freakin mess......
I'm chalking that one up to karma..
And my insurance company advised against posting pictures of the accident. Could be used against us.....Other car, totaled and he is in the hospital. I guess he is blaming me. Lots of witnesses to the contrary. He hit a light pole. Freakin mess......

So he ditched you,but in the end he saw the light.
Poetic justice.
As long as you and the bride are ok.
Well, in my experience, even good people break stuff!!! Kept me in business for sure. Did pretty well actually...Seems lots of folks are afraid of 'lectricty!!!
Anything I can't see, that can hurt me... I'm afraid of...

Now if I KNOW the **** aint energized, I jack with it... If in doubt, I'm out!
And my insurance company advised against posting pictures of the accident. Could be used against us.....Other car, totaled and he is in the hospital. I guess he is blaming me. Lots of witnesses to the contrary. He hit a light pole. Freakin mess......
yeah, as a former insurance agent, I agree. Post them AFTER you settle unless a non-disclosure agreement is signed. and do not talk to the other insurance company, tell them to contact your insurance company.
So, Driving my 69 today down by the beach, My wife's second trip int the car. Guy in a BMW runs a red light, I did everything I could do to not get hit, ended up in the ditch! Had to get towed out. Simone will never ride in that car again, she was scared shitless!!! No real damage to the car, we were both ok as well. She might ride in it again......hope so.

Man, that sucks...

Glad you didn't do too much damage to the car....

Too bad the BMW driver couldn't have any inconvenience from the incident like you did as he caused it...
And my insurance company advised against posting pictures of the accident. Could be used against us.....Other car, totaled and he is in the hospital. I guess he is blaming me. Lots of witnesses to the contrary. He hit a light pole. Freakin mess......

Glad he can share in some of the carnage....
Man, that sucks...

Glad you didn't do too much damage to the car....

Too bad the BMW driver couldn't have any inconvenience from the incident like you did as he caused it...
Well he is in the hospital, so he is inconvenienced as probably did not read down yet...
Just checked, wont turn over, wiring ripped out under the car. Headers seem smashed as well, Frick! sorry.........Edited for language!!!
Oh boy, that really sucks. I hope smashing the headers didn't fubar the aluminum heads.
Just checked, wont turn over, wiring ripped out under the car. Headers seem smashed as well, Frick! sorry.........Edited for language!!!

tow it to a quality frame shop, have that thing checked for undercarriage damage. headers, there's a grand.
Well I'm sitting with a few folks waiting to be seated for some grub. Not the greatest conversationalist.

I'm bored to tears already.