Stop in for a cup of coffee

I think my car might be fucked, door will not open on passenger side, thing is twisted.....O no!!!!crying.................
LOL!!! I have a great attorney. BUT my beautiful car!! Still looks good. You should have seen the crowd. On coast highway!
yeah hopefully there is no frame distortion, hows the gaps look?
yeah hopefully there is no frame distortion, hows the gaps look?

Like a bat signal....

Bat Signal.jpg
Well, the youngest kid just called and said that there is a cruise at Duke's Drive In on Harlem in Bridgeview....

Smell you all later....
That would have been ugly if he hit you like that. A modern car would have gone through the ‘69 like a hot knife through butter.
That is the scary part. He barely bumped my car, just enough to get in the ditch. You cant even see where he hit me. LOTS of witnesses.
Well time to go, the little flashier thing is going off and the girls are calling me.
That is the scary part. He barely bumped my car, just enough to get in the ditch. You cant even see where he hit me. LOTS of witnesses.
you got all their names and information right?