Stop in for a cup of coffee

So I am putting an end to the family drama at the farm. Talked to a couple different lawyers this morning. Found out a lot of stuff. Several options, all of which have a HIGH success rate. Come to find out, I hold the high cards according to both, essentially a straight flush. My wallet is now lighter but its worth it to know my options.
Hitting a deer will total a car. So, I would think a cow would be about the same as hitting a wall :eek:

Hitting a wild pig in a 2 axle tractor pulling loaded pneumatic cement trailers makes a terrible mess too. Seen it. Glad I didn't have to clean up the mess. :lol:
Phoenix hasn't been washed away by Rosa yet. Not even .1" so far. Looked like the Ca/Az border along the Colorado river got pretty well soaked yesterday. Bad day to be at Glamis dune buggyin :steering:
Hey Gang... Workin on my 65 Belve brakes today...Had to modify a few things, but its all working out, so far...
I decided to work from home today. Just didn’t feel like dealing with the crap in the office.

Besides, it gave me a chance to finish this one during lunch...

interesting tid bit. did you see where they claim to have confirmed that the Red Baron was actually killed by ground fire?
I vaguely remember reading that as possibility when I was high school age give or take some.
I vaguely remember reading that as possibility when I was high school age give or take some.
yeah, i guess they were able to allegedly confirm it using modern forensics
Richthofen was killed by a single .303 bullet which was fired from the ground. Richthofen died following an extremely serious and inevitably fatal chest wound from that single bullet, penetrating from the right armpit and resurfacing next to the left nipple.

It is generally agreed that Sergeant Cedric Popkin was the person most likely to have killed Richthofen. Popkin was an anti-aircraft machine gunner with the Australian 24th Machine Gun Company, and he was using a Vickers machine gun. He fired at Richthofen's aircraft on two occasions: first as the Baron was heading straight at his position, and then at long range from the right. Given the nature of Richthofen's wounds, Popkin was in a position to fire the fatal shot when the pilot passed him for a second time, on the right.
Richthofen was killed by a single .303 bullet which was fired from the ground. Richthofen died following an extremely serious and inevitably fatal chest wound from that single bullet, penetrating from the right armpit and resurfacing next to the left nipple.

It is generally agreed that Sergeant Cedric Popkin was the person most likely to have killed Richthofen. Popkin was an anti-aircraft machine gunner with the Australian 24th Machine Gun Company, and he was using a Vickers machine gun. He fired at Richthofen's aircraft on two occasions: first as the Baron was heading straight at his position, and then at long range from the right. Given the nature of Richthofen's wounds, Popkin was in a position to fire the fatal shot when the pilot passed him for a second time, on the right.
yep, wikipedia wins again
Did i tell you i saw a bear cub get hit by a truck on saturday morning. Guy tried his damnedest to miss but the bear kept changing directions. And there were 2 to confuse driver. Right under both right wheels. It was done instantly.
9 boats to put away. They are all earlier than usual. They just drop em and notice.
Im nowhere near ready to put them inside.