Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have no idea what kind of rubber it actually is, but it does do well in certain applications and Hoppy always posts about using it!

Pretty much joke around with that stuff. Does work well on gutter seams though! It is almost like plastic dip but thinner
I did use a dab of it on that tonier cover I scored, you cant see it unless you look for it.
I think Mitch just did some repairs on his pool cover using the flex tape not long ago.
Yup, worked really well, even after it was all stretched into place... I have another admission. I had a water pipe leak, under the pool house in an impossible place to get to. I sweated the ones I could get to, but not this one. It was a pin hole in the corner of a tee. So I got some plumbers epoxy, mixed it up , and applied it. After it dried, I wrapped it with Flex Seal Tape. Worked great, and saved me , probably 4 hrs of work, to replace the tee...:thumbsup:
My daughter decided she wanted a pizza tonight. Thursday night pizza??

Such a rebel! LOL!

Washing machine wasnt draining. Daughter restarted it. Then laundry sink wouldnt drain. Wtf?
Obviously something in washer, plugged laundry sink too. Im not cleaning it up. Wet vac is running now.
I see the oil companies got another reason to increase the price of crude. They had to flee the scene on many Gulf platforms as Michael made it's way through.
She's getting pretty adventurious with that pepperoni !
She suddenly decided last weekend she wanted a pie with extra cheeses and pepperoni. We figured we would end up eating it, but she loved she seems hooked!

Teenagers...can’t predict what they will choose that they like next. :)
She suddenly decided last weekend she wanted a pie with extra cheeses and pepperoni. We figured we would end up eating it, but she loved she seems hooked!

Teenagers...can’t predict what they will choose that they like next. :)
My daugher claimed she was vegan. Asked her why she wore leather boots and if she knew our couch was leather and so were her car seats. Then the mysteriously disappearing popcorn chicken from the fridge....
There is an initiative on ballot in the next county to the north to shut down a very productive oil patch. That deposit is part of the same reservoir as the Elk Hills National Reserve that the feds have been protecting since WWII. It's too steep to build on back there. I don't know what they think they have to gain.