Stop in for a cup of coffee

Steak, corn on the cob and 2 helpings of mashed potato's . I think I need a nap!
I don't like hot buttered popcorn smell in the prison setting. You know I never thought about it but wonder what goes on in a movie theater.
I don't like hot buttered popcorn smell in the prison setting. You know I never thought about it but wonder what goes on in a movie theater.
The ones I used to go to in NYC we brought water guns filled with Mayo, great fun right there especially if you could sit in the front seat of the balcony! Seriously!
Frozen pizza. It will do.
I not complaining.
If momma aint happy....
Have to get the bottle filled.....tomorrow. Hope it fits in the cobalt the truck took a crap need a new fuel pump/sender housing. Lucky it did not crap out on the wat to Mithches a few weeks ago.
Have to get the bottle filled.....tomorrow. Hope it fits in the cobalt the truck took a crap need a new fuel pump/sender housing. Lucky it did not crap out on the wat to Mithches a few weeks ago.
Put a new filter in it too. And if i recall, be mindful of the rubber fuel lines, kink it and it will give you grief.
So, Im thinking of asking my wife to let me purchase a winter beater... I found a Ramcharger that was a old Casino security vehicle. The owner doesnt know anything about it, but my brother knows the person and is willing to go check it out for me. The only thing the owner said he knew about it was that the trans slipped, but the body is in great condition. He doesnt know a year, engine, if he has the keys and he thinks he has the title. Only wants $600 for it. I told him if he doesnt have a title Im not interested.
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November 1st and the A/C is running? :wtf:

88 here today, pretty normal this time of the year. Get those big High Pressures over N Nevada, Utah, Idaho it gets hot here. Kills the normal onshore flow. Looks like the fire controllers were successful, no fresh smoke. Landshark Island Style Lager
is the beverage du jour :lol: